So, just like the post says, on a 27 in, late 2009 iMac running Mountain Lion, with 8 gigs or ram, 2.66 GHz Core i5, ATI Radeon HD 4850 with 512 MB
So, it fails.
I'm guessing incompatible with the mac version of PCSX2?
It just loads the intro logo's but no game menu, etc.
Any ideas? Or is this just a total fail?
BTW, is there a Mac compatibility list?
I'm guessing the regular compatibility list doesn't apply to Macs.
Yeah the mac I believe is only has pcsx2 o.96 which doesn't support Ratchet and Clank.
Thanks, is there a list of compatible games with that version?
I'd rather not waste my time trying games that won't work.
Thanks again!
Which game(s) do you own ?
And nobbs is wrong. Latest version is 0.9.7 alpha
Oh, a bunch.
Other than Ratchet and Clank,
Jak and Dakster and 2 and 3
Gran Turismo 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy x
Dead or alive 2
soul caliber 2
beyond good and evil
tomb raider aniversary, angel, and underworld
Onimusha 1 and 2
Final Fantasy X
Armoured Core 2
Contra Shattered Soldier
Dragonball Z Budokai series
And Half Life
and I think a couple more.
AFAIK, FFX works near flawlessly at least on 0.9.7a
.hack series may work too.
dunno about the others, but I'm pretty sure your machine won't be up to the par for the most demanding ones (if they boot).
Means Jak & Daxter series, Ratchet & Clank series, and Shadow Of the Colossus
Better play them on your PS2 for now
Thanks for what you know,
Btw, if I install windows xp sp3 under bootcamp for a dual boot, will some of the games work better on the windows side?
Thanks again,
But the demanding ones will still be too slow to be playable.
Except shadow of the colossus that may be tricked.
how do I know which ones are the most demanding ones?
Thanks again,
btw, will okami or sly 2 play?
(10-21-2013, 12:55 PM)Saralikesyarr Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks!
how do I know which ones are the most demanding ones?
Experience. Just give a try...
Quote:btw, will okami or sly 2 play?
slowly, but yes