What does that mean exactly? I was noticing that in the logs while I was playing a game recently. It doesn't seem to be effecting my game at all but I just want to make sure is all
i think this error is not important and not serious.
when i played MGS3 i have this message too and does not effect your gameplay.
You running the shaders? (pageup) if so ignore it it dont mean anything unless you crashing or somthing
i think i am running the shaders, not sure how to check lol
Impossible blend means that some effects can not be renderd in HW Mode (e.g. Bloom effects in MGS3).
The game will work normally but some effects will be missing and will only work in Software Mode thats all. Nothing to worry about.
I think it sounds like game rendering error.
This thing (Impossible blend for D3D: (Cd - Cs) * 64 >> 7 + Cd) breaks a HauntGround game!
It impossible to play it on new builds... Please fix it.
Please make your own thread instead of digging up one from a year ago.