I'm sure I'm not the first with this problem, put I'm not finding any solutions to my dilemma.
My system specs are:
-Windows 8 x64 bit
-AMD dual-core processor 3.65 gHz
-AMD 6670 graphics card w/ 2gb VRAM
-6gb DDR3 RAM
I'm using PCSX2 - r5754. Currently, I'm trying to emulate Mortal Kombat Deception, though this was only supposed to be my start, I can't even get this to be playable. I've tried tweaking every setting I can find one at a time and watching my FPS, trying to get the most out of it, and the best I can do is 30 FPS and less. As you all know, that's 50% of what it should be. Sure, all the menus and things work just fine, it's just the actual gameplay that's the problem.
Is there anything I can do? I thought running this on a better computer (one that can play today's latest games just fine) wouldn't have too big of a problem with this. To be honest, it's turned out to be a huge headache...and from what I hear, settings have to be readjusted for every game I play. I'm close to giving up and never touching a PS2 emulator ever again. Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance.
Latest games isnt big deal like an emu (specially pcsx2)

btw try native resolution, put ee and vu to 2 or put both to 0 and see work or not.
(10-28-2013, 10:05 AM)Catman37185 Wrote: [ -> ]I'm sure I'm not the first with this problem, put I'm not finding any solutions to my dilemma.
My system specs are:
-Windows 8 x64 bit
-AMD dual-core processor 3.65 gHz
-AMD 6670 graphics card w/ 2gb VRAM
-6gb DDR3 RAM
I'm using PCSX2 - r5754. Currently, I'm trying to emulate Mortal Kombat Deception, though this was only supposed to be my start, I can't even get this to be playable. I've tried tweaking every setting I can find one at a time and watching my FPS, trying to get the most out of it, and the best I can do is 30 FPS and less. As you all know, that's 50% of what it should be. Sure, all the menus and things work just fine, it's just the actual gameplay that's the problem.
Is there anything I can do? I thought running this on a better computer (one that can play today's latest games just fine) wouldn't have too big of a problem with this. To be honest, it's turned out to be a huge headache...and from what I hear, settings have to be readjusted for every game I play. I'm close to giving up and never touching a PS2 emulator ever again. Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance.
Which dual core AMD?
And I'm not trying to insult you or anything so don't take me wrong, but that's not really a "higher end pc" by PCSX2 standards. PS2 emulation is very demanding. VERY.
Look at the rig in my signature. It's faster than yours. By lots. I'm currently playing Xenosaga. Because of my CPU, I sometimes drop as low as 45fps. Mostly not, but it happens.
But yeah knowing which processor will help us tell you if you can tweak some settings or if it's just not enough.
Yeah I know, no insult taken. lol. It's high-er than what I'd say is average, but not at the top by any stretch...high compared to some really outdated stuff I've seen people emulating PS2 on.
Processor specs are:
AMD A6-5400K
TDP: 65W
Operating speed: 3.6 GHz (up to 3.8 GHz turbo)
Number of cores: 2
Socket: FM2
And how do I change the resolution to native? The options I see in the GS Window menu allow me to change the custom window resolution, but I'm not seeing anything else.
Thanks for the replies.
GS window:
Adapter: [xxxxxxxx]
Renderer: [xxxxxxx]
Interlacing(F5): [xxxxxx]
D3D Internal resolution(can cause glitches)
Original PS2 resolution [ ] Native <------------ here
Or use scaling [xxxxxxxx]
Custom resolution [xxxx][xxxx]
The "best" speedhack, MTVU isn't going to help since you don't have a third core to spawn the thread on. So make sure it's off.
After making sure native is set do this:
Make sure speedhacks are at default(i.e. only recommended ones on).
Slide the EE slider one tick to the right.
Try again.
Slide it all the way.
Try again.
If there is any speed up at either setting but still not full, still leave it there.
Slide the VU slider one tick right.
Try again.
Slide it one more tick.
Try again.
Slide it all the way.
Try it one final time.
Obviously if at any point you hit full speed you would stop. And also with the VU hack, you might see it reporting 60fps when it obviously isn't. This is a normal, albeit undesirable result of the hack.
If none of that does it, then you are just gonna need a better CPU.
And yes, it is pretty common to have to tinker with settings for each game you play. Unless you play everything on native resolution with no enhancements. But even then, you have to tweak.
Good luck, I'm going to bed now!
I just noticed about 2 hours later that the stupid spell check corrected my typo of "enhancements" to "enchantments." Yes, bring on the freakin' enchantments. I want my PCSX2 to output holodeck style. And I won't take no for an answer(I've been awake too long.)
Alright with all that, it got me up to 45-50 FPS.

This is the NTSC emulator...would using the other version help any? I've heard the normal FPS for those games is 50 because they have slightly better graphics or something.
(10-28-2013, 11:52 AM)Catman37185 Wrote: [ -> ]Alright with all that, it got me up to 45-50 FPS.
This is the NTSC emulator...would using the other version help any? I've heard the normal FPS for those games is 50 because they have slightly better graphics or something.
I'm still awake....
The emulator isn't NTSC, it's technically region free. The games are either NTSC or PAL. PAL games do indeed run at 50fps normally. But the only way for you to legally do that would be to buy a copy of the game from a PAL area e.g. europe.
if you have PAL your game shall run at Vmax(Real-time) speed 50fps is the maximum even you run it in the mode-chipped (Region 1 or 3)PS2.
if you feel it's real-time including the sound is not in slow-mo effect.
(10-28-2013, 11:52 AM)Catman37185 Wrote: [ -> ]Alright with all that, it got me up to 45-50 FPS.
This is the NTSC emulator...would using the other version help any? I've heard the normal FPS for those games is 50 because they have slightly better graphics or something.
Oh, and the part about having "slightly better graphics"
NTSC is 480i
PAL is 576i
That is the interlaced Y resolution. Since those are
analog standards, there is technically no X resolution. Each line is a continuously varying signal. For digital purposes like DVD the X usually ends up being either 640 or 720. So think of it like this.
720x480 @ 30 frames per second (60 cycles per second, half frame per cycle(e.g. interlaced)
720x576 @ 25 frames per second (50 cycles per second, half frame per cycle(e.g. interlaced)
Pal has 69120 more pixels per frame than NTSC in that setup.
However they both work out to 10,368,000 pixels per second.
720*480*30 = 10368000
720*576*25 = 10368000
So while NTSC has better temporal resolution(better fps), PAL has better spatial resolution. In the end there isn't really much difference, except I've read that NTSC games sometimes just have their frame rate cut to 50 hz/25 fps and black bars added to fill up the extra 94 lines when localizing to PAL territories.
Gotcha. So it doesn't make too much difference.
Well I got my game running fine (between 45 and 60 FPS consistent) by tweaking every inch of the GS plugin for hours. The good news though is now that Mortal Kombat is playable, I added SOCOM and it ran just fine, except cutscenes only give me the audio of them, no visual. But it's whatever...I definitely don't play that game for the cut scenes. lol
Is it possible to play online with PCSX2? I know there's only like 5 PS2 games that even still have multiplayer, but I figured I'd ask.