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Full Version: my Rom isn't working on pcsx2
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I've been having a bit of trouble trying to play a rom i recently downloaded from the internet (not original cd). when ever I play it, it either goes to a screen saying to insert a format disk or goes to my settings and then goes straight back to the screen asking for a disk once i have set my settings. I cant seem to work out what has happened. When I go into my iso folder and into click on the grey boxes with green writting up the top they either say in them, "cannot execute binary file" and in the system.cnf it comes up with "command not found" in the writing. Any help to fix this would be a big help
(12-20-2013, 02:40 AM)whywontthiswork Wrote: [ -> ]a rom i recently downloaded from the internet (not original cd).

Please read the rules.

Rule #1, No piracy.
Our forum does not tolerate any kind of warez talk / discussion / links and no support will be given as such.
Read our rules,specifically rule #1. Thread closed.