im playing shadow hearts 3 and am experiencing a problem which near the end of the game,after roger launch the ship the screen goes black i can only hear the sound of the ship crashing but there is no picture,can any plzz tell me what should i do game was working fine until up now.
In order to help you further with your problem, please make sure the following are all provided.
- Your hardware specs - CPU, Graphics Card, Memory, Operating System.
- The version of PCSX2 you are using.
- Any non default settings you are using.
- What games you are trying to play and if you are playing them from ISO or DVD.
Thank You.
im using windows 8
processor intel core i5-3317u cpu @ 170ghz
ram 4.00 gb
64 bit operating system
pcsx2 version
im playing shadow hearts from the new world from iso,created from the dvd i had
game was working fine,only had a little sound problem but at the last partof the i had this problem
1st, update to latest stable. your pcsx2 is unsupported.
2ns, can you post the emulog (if it still crashes after updating)