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Full Version: Cant Load games, Always black screen :((
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(02-26-2014, 01:22 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]definitely not.
when you have something like isofile open ok : d:\blabla\blabla.iso it can't be that problem.
there is no .iso file inside a PS2 disc.
I know some of them too. Laugh ( 2 of them to be honest).
they found out in less than 2 mn how imgburn worked Tongue2

my bad i meant elf Blush (it's what he wrote that i kinda quoted Wink )

he might be trying to open the files within the disc without knowing how to run the disc properly ( ie he might be doing it like CDVD/ iso selector/ browse ,and trying to load the elf file ,instead of going to CDVD/plugin menu/plugin settings/ source drive

we'll know for sure if he ever comes back Smile
no, i just downloaded the game from *snip* guys, and extracted, after that i found the iso file. and thats what i all know :/

sorry im just new to this emulator >.< and coz i love PS2, i just cant give up, even im already struggling Sad

By the way, i dont know how to "img burn" thing u guys said Sad i hope i can find answers and ways
Quote:no, i just downloaded the game from *snip*

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