Am trying to run FFX (international version) on pcsx2 an it keeps telling me the cdvd plugin has failed to open. my computer is definetely powerful enough and is running on windows 8. also okami works.
can you please post the emulog.txt ?
Use EFP if running from disc. Use CDVD null if running from iso (preferred way).
(03-29-2014, 10:11 AM)Ashuak Wrote: [ -> ]Am trying to run FFX (international version) on pcsx2 an it keeps telling me the cdvd plugin has failed to open. my computer is definetely powerful enough and is running on windows 8. also okami works.
Whatever it is not a matter of computer power. If going to run directly from the DVD (which is not recommended) you may need to set up the correct driver letter.
But the best course is using "Iso" instead "Plugin" at CDVD config and then proceed selecting the ISO from the Iso selector option and then Browse.
Once it's selected, go to System and use the fast boot option.
Edit: I mean, case choosing to run from the DVD anyway, selecting the driver letter at the Plugin Menu just bellow the Iso Selector option. It's supposed you have already chosen one the available CDVD plugins other than CDVDnull in this case.