I'm pretty new to pcsx2, so I don't know if I'm just making a really obvious mistake, but I've been having problems when trying to patch Final Fantasy XII (the UK PAL version, SLES 54354). It seems that no matter what I try, every time I try to load the game with patches enabled, pcsx2 crashes out as soon as the graphical window appears. I've tried codes supported by the patching utility and AR codes converted to RAW format. Any ideas as to where I could be going wrong?
(03-05-2009, 06:19 AM)Dylbot Wrote: [ -> ]I'm pretty new to pcsx2, so I don't know if I'm just making a really obvious mistake, but I've been having problems when trying to patch Final Fantasy XII (the UK PAL version, SLES 54354). It seems that no matter what I try, every time I try to load the game with patches enabled, pcsx2 crashes out as soon as the graphical window appears. I've tried codes supported by the patching utility and AR codes converted to RAW format. Any ideas as to where I could be going wrong?
how did you convert the cheats, can you post your pnach file here so I have a look and see what's wrong
cheats starting by 9 , F shouldnt be used ( beside we dont need Master codes ) , sometimes for example the raw gives you like :
1054FB30 00000000
but when you input on the pnatch you need to change that 1 by a 0 so it will be
0054FB30 00000000
I could help ya if you were using the US version ( SLUS 20963 ) and well i still dont know what was changed on one of the revisions where the cheat engine was "tweaked"
I've managed to get some codes working now, although it seems that only codes that start with 2 will enable me to load the game. I've been using maxconverter to change ARMAX codes to RAW format. Is there some trick to creating codes that will work with pcsx2, or is it just a case of converting codes and hoping they come out in a compatible format?
FFXII PAL has two basically 2-3 versions where one version won't work on another. UK/Aussie is one. You might be mixing codes that way.
PCSX2 only supports 8-bit RAM writes for the most part.
1xxxxxxxxx are 16-bit RAM writes, but are changed to 0xxxxxx.
2xxxxxxxx are a mirror in the RAM of 0xxxxxxxx.
Also ARmax don't convert very well and I'm leery of using them converted.
gametitle=FFXII SLES_543.54 = UK/Australian
comment=By Maestro
//Max Gil (Sell Item)
//Action Gauge Full
Change the values and then delete the examples or comment them out.
//Gain EXP X times
840=2 times
880=4 times
8C0=8 times
900=16 times
940=32 times
//Gain LP X times
040=2 times
080=4 times
0C0=8 times
100=16 times
140=32 times
hi all
I would like to request a pnach file for Final Fantasy 12...
My iso's data : crc code = 078DA0252 and the ELF is SLES_543.54 ...
im looking for;
more loots dropped by monsters.
- always get rare loot from corresponding objects. (treasure chests, or enemies)
- all items collected at least 1 of each kind..
thanks in advance