My question is whether, in the future may appends the SSE4a of AMD?
I´m from Argentain, sorry for my english.
Nope,gabest said this instruction set has nothing useful for GSdx.
OK. Thank you, for de answer.
is there any way we can get more fps without SSSE3 , SSE4.1 like in AMD processors.
Overclock the crap out of your CPU.
PhenomII for best AMD CPU or PhenomI (Kuma) for Cheap and good performance with unlock multiplier and slighly add volt to get 3.2Ghz-3.45Ghz. you will get Performance increase around 8fps compare Old AMD X2 at same clock.
thanks 2 GsDX .. he made me buy an INTEL .. just in case .. and with a GTS 250 ... PCSX 2 is rocking ... '