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Full Version: PS2 Version Checker
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(03-12-2009, 10:40 PM)redlof Wrote: [ -> ]do you mean I have to change just the first digit of the raw code from the website or first digit of the converted code?

Anyways here are some RAW codes for unlocking characters, but the raw codes are already starting from "0"
Sophitia 0A4348E6 00000003
Seung Mina 0A4248E6 00000003
Yoshimitsu 0A4148E6 00000003
Charade 0A4048E6 00000003
Cervantes 0A4748E6 00000003

BTW all these raw codes crash the emulator.
Here is the link to codetwink soul calibur2 page

codetwink does not give you raw codes , those are codebreaker codes


003FE720 00000003
003FE721 00000003
003FE722 00000003
003FE723 00000003
003FE724 00000003

since they seem not to be codebreaker 7 so no need to use the v7 common decryption
I did and they work now,
I'm gonna make a guide for making a pnach now.
the link for the ps2 version checker isn't working .
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