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Full Version: PCSX2 stops working :/ Doesnt wanna run rom (w/ screenshots)
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Hello PCSX2 community, my name is dannythebau5 and I am pleased to be a new member of the community as I am a bit experienced in running PCSX2. Well the thing is I ran PCSX2 successfully but on my cousin's desktop when I was in mexico but I dont remember what was that made it work.

So I'm here. Now that I pretty much played through a couple of the bioshock games, I wanted to play some Kingdom Hearts and get introduced to it but am disappointed there is no real pc version to play it on except emulating with ps2 or other console-gaming version, which brings me to returning to PCSX2. Like I said I was familiar with it a while back maybe a year but kinda forgot how to use it again.

So anyways back on the main topic, I googled and found a PCSX2 zip file containing the whole emulator and the bios. I configured my gamepad and pretty much default settings since I forgot what the recommended settings would be, especially since I dont even know how capable my desktop can run PCSX2.

So I selected my Kingdom hearts iso, tried running it in both full and fast, and the windows gets a white fade indicating I have failed my part as an emulator-wise gamer to not fork up in anything in the process of setting up PCSX2, along with an error saying it stopped working. But I did fork up. Btw this doesnt happen in my dolphin emulator for gamecube. Runs smoothly. Well slowly, and I find something ironic here. In my cousin's desktop in mexico, dolphin ran better and faster there. Not to turn to my stereotypical side here, but it was a dell square-monitor computer designed for work. Sorry I just wanted to display some humor within my curiosity.

Ive checked both hardware and software versions of my video plugin and direct3d and opengll. As for audio I tried xaudio 2 and directx sound and still the same. :/
Although I havent gotten further down the route of experimenting different emulator settings to see if what really is the problem, but COME ON do you expect me to waste my valuable precious time suffering the backpain of sitting on my chair reading complex wording, logs, settings, etc when I could be replaying bioshock on my computer and viewing po-- Im just partially kidding, I'd be willing to look more into my emulator settings IF you guys insist based on my speccy specs and what I gave out in this post. I just wanna do the "you tell me, I do, step by step" way. Just so I dont have to do more than I have to.

P.s. I forgot to say that I dont know if Kingdom Hearts or my emulator is the issue. I dont know about Kingdom hearts compatibility.

So anyways images
[Image: 5zR8Ov1.png]
[Image: 1hPeNWn.png]
[Image: awdaJCr.png]

P.s. I disabled smilies because I think our society would be better compromised if we went back to using colins, backslashes, slashes, etc. And yellow faces need to be discriminated, sorry...

P.s.s. Like my signature, like my status, jk

P.s.s.s. No more btw's, from now on p.s. is the new trend.
(02-20-2015, 01:09 PM)dannythebau5 Wrote: [ -> ]I googled and found a PCSX2 zip file containing the whole emulator and the bios.
no support for piracy Tongue2
Unfortunately as said above, as per our rule #1 we can't give you support since downloading a bios file is illegal (you need to own the PS2 console the bios came from to be legal). We also don't provide support for unofficial downloads of our emulator, only for the latest official release from our website (1.2.1 at this time)

You can post again after you get the latest official release from our website and your own bios files. Closed