I just installed it and a game. The newest version. I launch the game. Everything is fine. "Press start to begin." I press every button on my keyboard and NOTHING. Please help...
In order to help you further with your problem, please make sure the following are all provided.
- Your hardware specs - CPU, Graphics Card, Memory, Operating System.
- The version of PCSX2 you are using.
- Any non default settings you are using.
- What games you are trying to play and if you are playing them from ISO or DVD.
Thank You.
did you configure your controls. and did you run PCSX2 as admin so it could write and save to the os?
First, bind your keyboard keys to lilypad.
(02-20-2015, 07:03 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]In order to help you further with your problem, please make sure the following are all provided.
- Your hardware specs - CPU, Graphics Card, Memory, Operating System.
- The version of PCSX2 you are using.
- Any non default settings you are using.
- What games you are trying to play and if you are playing them from ISO or DVD.
Thank You.
OS? Windows 7. Memory is 300~ gigs free 148 gigs used. 16 gig ram. Graphics card shouldn't matter. No modified settings. Newest version. Destroy All Humans 2.
Arghh.. Please post a screenshot of your lilypad settings. Then, we can confirm whether you have properly binded your keys or not.
(02-20-2015, 07:11 PM)mareelf Wrote: [ -> ]Memory is 300~ gigs free 148 gigs used. 16 gig ram. Graphics card shouldn't matter.
I guess it's the first time you're using a computer...

please post the emulog.txt, (my documents\pcsx2\logs or pcsx2\logs)