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PCSX2 1.3.1-20150518105632 - compiled on May 18 2015

gsdx-ogl: print some error messages if extenal shader is wrongly configured

Just test with this build the lines i was seeing before remain gone with this build, but GSDX shader remains broke it get enabled/disabled but has no effect on the image.

Git uses 2.20 I have newer 2.30 from shaders thread, both verisons do not work in opengl hw.

|########################      [GSdx FX Suite v2.20]      ########################|
|##########################        By Asmodean          ##########################|
||                                                                               ||
||          This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        ||
||          modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License          ||
||          as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2       ||
||          of the License, or (at your option) any later version.               ||
||                                                                               ||
||          This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      ||
||          but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       ||
||          GNU General Public License for more details. (c)2014                 ||
||                                                                               ||
//#NOTICE: This post-processing suite requires Direct3D10(Shader Model 4.0), or higher.

                        [DEFINITIONS & ON/OFF OPTIONS]

//---------------------------#[CHOOSE EFFECTS]#--------------------------------\\

//-#[ANTIALIASING TECHNIQUES]   [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: For best results: Use gsdx fx antialiasing OR FS filtering. Not both.
#define UHQ_FXAA                     1      //#High Quality Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing. Adapted for GSdx from Timothy Lottes FXAA 3.11. If using GSdx's internal FXAA, this equals FXAA2x. [3D]

//-#[FS SCALING TECHNIQUES]     [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: For best results: Only enable one type of filtering at one time. Use post antialiasing OR FS filtering, not both.
#define BILINEAR_FILTERING           0      //#BiLinear Fullscreen Texture Filtering. BiLinear filtering - light to medium filtering of textures. [2D]
#define BICUBIC_FILTERING            0      //#Bicubic Fullscreen Texture Filtering. BiCubic filtering - medium to strong filtering of textures. [2D]
#define GAUSSIAN_FILTERING           0      //#Gaussian Fullscreen Texture Filtering. Gaussian filtering - strong to extra strong filtering of textures. [2D]
#define BICUBLIC_SCALER              0      //#Bicubic Interpolation Scaling. Uses BCS on up scaling, and downsampling of games, for smoother scaling.
#define LANCZOS_SCALER               0      //#Lanczos Interpolation Scaling. Uses Lanczos on up scaling, and downsampling of games for smoother scaling.

//-#[LIGHTING & COLOUR]         [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. [For High Dynamic Range(HDR) use Bloom & Tonemapping together]
#define BLENDED_BLOOM                1      //#High Quality Bloom, using blend techniques. Blooms naturally, per environment.
#define SCENE_TONEMAPPING            1      //#HDR Scene Tonemapping & RGB Colour Correction. Corrects colour, and tone maps the scene.
#define GAMMA_CORRECTION             1      //#RGB Gamma Correction. sRGB->Linear->sRGB correction curve. Enable for games with incorrect gamma.
#define TEXTURE_SHARPEN              1      //#Bicubic Texture Unsharpen Mask. Looks similar to a negative texture LOD bias. Enhances texture fidelity.
#define PIXEL_VIBRANCE               1      //#Pixel Vibrance. Intelligently adjusts pixel vibrance depending on original saturation.
#define S_CURVE_CONTRAST             1      //#S-Curve Scene Contrast Enhancement. Locally adjusts contrast using S-curves.
#define COLOR_GRADING                0      //#Post-Complement Colour Grading. Alters individual colour components on a scene, to enhance selected colour tones.
#define CEL_SHADING                  0      //#PX Cel Shading. Simulates the look of animation/toon. Typically best suited for animated style games.

//-#[TV EMU TECHNIQUES]         [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. These effects are typically used to simulated older TVs/CRT etc.
#define SCANLINES                    0      //#Scanlines to simulate the look of a CRT TV. Typically suited to sprite games. Note: Works best at Native Res.
#define VIGNETTE                     0      //#Darkens the edges of the screen, to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens.
#define DITHERING                    1      //#Subpixel Dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. Smoothes gradiants, this can reduce color banding.
#define PX_BORDER                    1      //#Creates a pixel border, as a workaround for the bright edge that using hardware antialiasing(MSAA) can cause. (Ported by request from SFX).

                          [EFFECT CONFIG OPTIONS]

#define FxaaSubpixMax 0.25                  //[0.00 to 1.00] Amount of subpixel aliasing removal. Higher values: softer. Lower values: sharper. 0.00: Edge only.
#define FxaaQuality 4                       //[1|2|3|4] Overall Fxaa quality preset (pixel coverage). 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Ultra.
#define FxaaEarlyExit 1                        //[0 or 1] Use Fxaa early exit pathing. When enabled: Only luma edge pixels are antialiased. When disabled: the entire scene is antialiased(FSAA).

#define FilterStrength 1.00                 //[0.10 to 1.50] Bilinear filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define OffsetAmount 0.0                    //[0.0 to 1.5] Pixel offset amount. If you want to use an st offset, 0.5 is generally recommended. 0.0 is off.

#define Interpolation Triangular            //[CatMullRom, Bell, BSpline, Triangular, Cubic] Type of interpolation to use. From left to right is lighter<-->stronger filtering.
#define BicubicStrength 0.75                //[0.10 to 1.50] Bicubic filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define PixelOffset 0.0                     //[0.0 to 1.5] Pixel offset amount. If you want to use an st offset, 0.5 is generally recommended. 0.0 is off.

#define FilterAmount 1.00                   //[0.10 to 1.50] Gaussian filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define GaussianSpread 0.75                 //[0.50 to 4.00] The filtering spread & offset levels. Controls the sampling spread of the filtering.

#define BloomType BlendGlow                 //[BlendGlow, BlendLuma, BlendAddLight, BlendScreen, BlendOverlay] The type of blending for the bloom. Glow & Overlay are dynamic.
#define BloomStrength 0.250                 //[0.100 to 1.000] Overall strength of the bloom. You may want to readjust for each blend type.
#define BlendStrength 1.000                 //[0.100 to 1.000] Strength of the bloom blend. Lower for less blending, higher for more. (Default: 1.000).
#define BloomWidth 4.000                    //[1.000 to 8.000] Width of the bloom 'glow' spread. 0.000 = off. Scales with BloomStrength. (Default: 4.000).
#define BloomCutoff 0.05                    //[0.00 to 1.00] Threshold for the bloom affecting darker areas. This is done automatically by the bloom, but I've included this setting to provide some control.
#define BloomReds 1.00                      //[0.00 to 8.00] Red channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals red reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define BloomGreens 1.00                    //[0.00 to 8.00] Green channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals green reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define BloomBlues 1.00                     //[0.00 to 8.00] Blue channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals blue reduction. 1.00 is default.

#define TonemapType 1                       //[0|1|2] Type of base tone mapping operator. 0 is LDR, 1 is HDR(original), 2 is HDR filmic(palette alterations for more of a film style).
#define ToneAmount 0.25                     //[0.00 to 1.00] Tonemap strength (scene correction) higher for stronger tone mapping, lower for lighter. (Default: ~ 0.20)
#define BlackLevels 0.30                    //[0.00 to 1.00] Black level balance (shadow correction). Increase to lighten blacks, lower to deepen them. (Default: ~ 0.30)
#define Exposure 1.00                       //[0.10 to 2.00] White correction (brightness) Higher values for more Exposure, lower for less.
#define Luminance 1.00                      //[0.10 to 2.00] Luminance average (luminance correction) Higher values to decrease luminance average, lower values to increase luminance.
#define WhitePoint 1.02                     //[0.10 to 2.00] Whitepoint avg (lum correction) Use to alter the scene whitepoint average. Raising can give a cinema look.

#define CorrectionPalette 1                 //[0|1|2|3] The colour correction palette type. 1: RGB, 2: YUV, 3: XYZ, 0: off. 1 is default. This requires tone mapping enabled.
#define RedCurve 1.00                       //[1.00 to 8.00] Red channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals red reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define GreenCurve 1.00                     //[1.00 to 8.00] Green channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals green reduction. 1.00 is default.
#define BlueCurve 1.00                      //[1.00 to 8.00] Blue channel component of the RGB correction curve. Higher values equals blue reduction. 1.00 is default.

#define FilmicProcess 0                     //[0 or 1] Filmic cross processing. Alters the mood of the scene, for more of a filmic look. Typically best suited to realistic style games.
#define RedShift 0.50                       //[0.10 to 1.00] Red colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the red balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define GreenShift 0.45                     //[0.10 to 1.00] Green colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the green balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define BlueShift 0.45                      //[0.10 to 1.00] Blue colour component shift of the filmic tone shift. Alters the blue balance of the shift. Requires FilmicProcess.
#define ShiftRatio 0.33                     //[0.10 to 1.00] The blending ratio for the base colour and the colour shift. Higher for a stronger effect. Requires FilmicProcess.

#define SharpeningType 2                    //[1 or 2] The type of sharpening to use. Type 1 is a High Pass Gaussian. Type 2 is a higher quality(slightly slower) Bicubic Sampling type.
#define SharpenStrength 0.75                //[0.10 to 1.00] Strength of the texture luma sharpening effect. This is the maximum strength that will be used.
#define SharpenClamp 0.015                  //[0.005 to 0.500] Reduces the clamping/limiting on the maximum amount of sharpening each pixel recieves. Raise this to reduce the clamping.
#define SharpenBias 1.00                    //[1.00 to 4.00] Sharpening edge bias. Lower values for clean subtle sharpen, and higher values for a deeper textured sharpen.
#define DebugSharpen 0                      //[0 or 1] Visualize the sharpening effect. Useful for fine-tuning. Best to disable other effects, to see edge detection clearly.

#define RedGrading 1.00                     //[0.0 to 3.0] Red colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the red channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GreenGrading 1.00                   //[0.0 to 3.0] Green colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Green channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define BlueGrading 1.00                    //[0.0 to 3.0] Blue colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Blue channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GradingStrength 0.25                //[0.00 to 1.00] The overall max strength of the colour grading effect. Raise to increase, lower to decrease the amount.
#define Correlation 1.00                    //[0.10 to 1.00] Correlation between the base colour, and the grading influence. Lower = more of the scene is graded, Higher = less of the scene is graded.

#define EdgeStrength 1.50                   //[0.00 to 4.00] Overall strength of the cel edge outline effect.  0.00 = no outlines.
#define EdgeFilter 0.60                     //[0.10 to 2.00] Filters out fainter cel edges. Use it for balancing the cel edge density. EG: for faces, foliage, etc. Raise to filter out more edges.
#define EdgeThickness 1.00                  //[0.50 to 4.00] Thickness of the cel edges. Increase for thicker outlining.  Note: when downsampling, raise this further to keep the edges as noticeable.
#define PaletteType 2                       //[1|2|3] The colour palette to use. 1 is Game Original, 2 is Animated Shading, 3 is Water Painting (Default is 2: Animated Shading). #!Options below don't affect palette 1.
#define UseYuvLuma 0                        //[0 or 1] Uses YUV luma calculations, or base colour luma calculations. Yuv luma can produce a better shaded look, but if it looks odd, disable it for that game.
#define LumaConversion 1                    //[0 or 1] Uses BT.601, or BT.709, RGB<-YUV->RGB conversions. Some games prefer 601, but most prefer 709. BT.709 is typically recommended.
#define ColorRounding 1                     //[0 or 1] Uses rounding methods on colors. This can emphasise shaded toon colors. Looks good in some games, and odd in others. Try it in-game and see.

#define ScanlineType 0                      //[0|1|2] The type & orientation of the scanlines. 0 is x(horizontal), 1 is y(vertical), 2 is both(xy)
#define ScanlineScale 0.50                  //[0.20 to 2.00] The scaling & thickness of the scanlines. Changing this can help with PCSX2 IR scaling problems.
#define ScanlineIntensity 0.18              //[0.10 to 1.00] The intensity of the scanlines. Defaults: 0.18 for ScanlineType 0|1|2, 0.50 for ScanlineType 3.
#define ScanlineBrightness 1.00             //[0.50 to 2.00] The brightness of the scanlines.  Defaults: 2.00 for ScanlineType 0|1|2, 1.50 for ScanlineType 3.

#define VignetteRatio 1.77                  //[0.15 to 6.00] Sets the espect ratio of the vignette. 1.77 for 16:9, 1.60 for 16:10, 1.33 for 4:3, 1.00 for 1:1.
#define VignetteRadius 1.10                 //[0.50 to 3.00] Radius of the vignette effect. Lower values for stronger radial effect from center
#define VignetteAmount 0.25                 //[0.00 to 1.00] Strength of black edge occlusion. Increase for higher strength, decrease for lower.
#define VignetteSlope 12                    //[2|4|8|10|12|16] How far away from the center the vignetting will start.

#define CurveType 0                         //[0|1|2] Choose what to apply contrast to. 0 = Luma, 1 = Chroma, 2 = both Luma and Chroma. Default is 0 (Luma)
#define CurvesContrast 0.35                 //[0.00 to 2.00] The amount of contrast you want. Controls the overall strength of the texture sharpening.

#define Vibrance 0.20                       //[-1.00 to 1.00] Adjust the vibrance of pixels depending on their original saturation. 0.00 is original vibrance.

#define Gamma 2.20                          //[1.5 to 4.0] Gamma correction. Decrease for lower gamma(darker). Increase for higher gamma(brighter). (Default: 2.2)

#define DitherMethod 2                      //[1 or 2] 1 is Ordering dithering(faster, lower quality), 2 is Random dithering (better dithering, but not as fast)

#define BorderWidth float2(2, 2)            //[0 to 2048, 0 to 2048] (X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels.
#define BorderColor float3(0, 0, 0)         //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white.


|########################      [GSdx FX Suite v2.30]      ########################|
|##########################        By Asmodean          ##########################|
||                                                                               ||
||          This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or        ||
||          modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License          ||
||          as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2       ||
||          of the License, or (at your option) any later version.               ||
||                                                                               ||
||          This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,      ||
||          but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       ||
||          GNU General Public License for more details. (c)2015                 ||
||                                                                               ||
//#NOTICE: This post-processing suite requires Direct3D10(Shader Model 4.0), or higher.

                       [DEFINITIONS & ON/OFF OPTIONS]

//--------------------------#[CHOOSE EFFECTS]#--------------------------------\\

//#[ANTIALIASING TECHNIQUES]   [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: For best results: Use gsdx fx antialiasing OR filtering. Not both together.
#define UHQ_FXAA                    1      //# High Quality Fast Approximate Anti Aliasing. If GSdx's internal FXAA is also enabled, this equals FXAA2x.[3D]

//#[FS SCALING TECHNIQUES]    [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: For best results: Only enable one type of filtering at one time. Use post antialiasing OR FS filtering, not both.
#define BILINEAR_FILTERING          0     //# Bilinear Fullscreen Texture Filtering. BiLinear filtering - light to medium filtering of textures.[2D]
#define BICUBIC_FILTERING           0     //# Bicubic Fullscreen Texture Filtering. BiCubic filtering - medium to strong filtering of textures.[2D]
#define GAUSSIAN_FILTERING          0     //# Gaussian Fullscreen Texture Filtering. Gaussian filtering - strong to extra strong filtering of textures.[2D]
#define BICUBLIC_SCALER             0     //# Bicubic Interpolation Scaling. Uses BCS on up scaling, and downsampling of games, for smoother scaling.
#define LANCZOS_SCALER              0     //# Lanczos Interpolation Scaling. Uses Lanczos on up scaling, and downsampling of games for smoother scaling.

//#[LIGHTING & COLOUR]         [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. [For High Dynamic Range(HDR) use Bloom & Tonemapping together]
#define BLENDED_BLOOM               1      //# High Quality SP Bloom. Soft lighting with blending techniques, for a natural looking bloom.
#define SCENE_TONEMAPPING           1      //# HDR Scene Tonemapping. Layered component conversion, and applies scene tone mapping.
#define COLOR_CORRECTION            0      //# Component Color Correction. Colorspace conversion, with correction curves, and multiple palette types.
#define CROSS_PROCESSING            0      //# Filmic Cross Processing. Alters the tone of the scene, crossing the game's color set, with another.
#define GAMMA_CORRECTION            1      //# RGB Gamma Correction. Fixed expansion to variable compression gamma correction curve.
#define PIXEL_VIBRANCE              1      //# Pixel Vibrance. Intelligently adjusts pixel vibrance depending on original color saturation.
#define COLOR_GRADING               0      //# Post-Complement Colour Grading. Alters individual colour components on a scene, to enhance selected colour tones.
#define TEXTURE_SHARPEN             1      //# Bicubic Texture Unsharpen Mask. Looks similar to a negative texture LOD bias. Enhances texture fidelity.
#define CURVE_CONTRAST              1      //# S-Curve Scene Contrast Enhancement. Locally adjusts contrast using a four-point cubic bezier spline.
#define CEL_SHADING                 0      //# PX Cel Shading. Simulates the look of animation/toon. Typically best suited for animated style games.
#define PAINT_SHADING               0      //# Paint Shading. Creates the effect of a painted scene. Adapted from ENB series, it's pretty performance heavy.

//#[TV EMU TECHNIQUES]         [1=ON|0=OFF]  #READ: These can all be turned on & off independently of each other. These effects are typically used to simulated older TVs/CRT etc.
#define SCANLINES                   0     //# Scanlines to simulate the look of a CRT TV. Typically suited to sprite games. Note: Works best at Native Res.
#define VIGNETTE                    0     //# Darkens the edges of the screen, to make it look more like it was shot with a camera lens.
#define SP_DITHERING                1     //# Subpixel Dithering to simulate more colors than your monitor can display. Smoothes gradiants, this can reduce color banding.
#define PX_BORDER                   1     //# Creates a pixel border, as a workaround for the bright edge that using hardware antialiasing(MSAA) can cause. (Ported by request from SFX).

                          [EFFECT CONFIG OPTIONS]

#define FxaaSubpixMax 0.00                 //[0.00 to 1.00] Amount of subpixel aliasing removal. Higher values: softer. Lower values: sharper. 0.00: Edge only.
#define FxaaQuality 4                      //[1|2|3|4] Overall Fxaa quality preset (pixel coverage). 1: Low, 2: Medium, 3: High, 4: Ultra.
#define FxaaEarlyExit 1                    //[0 or 1] Use Fxaa early exit pathing. When enabled: Only luma edge pixels are antialiased. When disabled: the entire scene is antialiased(FSAA).

#define FilterStrength 1.00                //[0.10 to 1.50] Bilinear filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define OffsetAmount 0.0                   //[0.0 to 1.5] Pixel offset amount. If you want to use an st offset, 0.5 is generally recommended. 0.0 is off.

#define Interpolation Triangular           //[CatMullRom, Bell, BSpline, Triangular, Cubic] Type of interpolation to use. From left to right is lighter<-->stronger filtering.
#define BicubicStrength 0.75               //[0.10 to 1.50] Bicubic filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define PixelOffset 0.0                    //[0.0 to 1.5] Pixel offset amount. If you want to use an st offset, 0.5 is generally recommended. 0.0 is off.

#define FilterAmount 1.00                  //[0.10 to 1.50] Gaussian filtering strength. Controls the overall strength of the filtering.
#define GaussianSpread 0.75                //[0.50 to 4.00] The filtering spread & offset levels. Controls the sampling spread of the filtering.

#define BloomType BlendGlow                //[BlendGlow, BlendAddGlow, BlendAddLight, BlendScreen, BlendLuma, BlendOverlay] The type of blended bloom. Light<->Dark.
#define BloomStrength 0.220                //[0.000 to 1.000] Overall strength of the bloom. You may want to readjust for each blend type.
#define BlendStrength 1.000                //[0.000 to 1.000] Strength of the blending. This is a modifier based on bloom. 1.0 equates to 100% strength.
#define BloomDefocus 2.000                 //[1.000 to 4.000] The initial bloom defocus value. Increases the softness of light, bright objects, etc.
#define BloomWidth 3.200                   //[1.000 to 8.000] Width of the bloom. Adjusts the width of the spread and soft glow. Scales with BloomStrength.
#define BloomReds 0.020                    //[0.000 to 1.000] Red channel correction of the bloom. Raising will increase the bloom of reds.
#define BloomGreens 0.010                  //[0.000 to 1.000] Green channel correction of the bloom. Raising will increase the bloom of greens.
#define BloomBlues 0.010                   //[0.000 to 1.000] Blue channel correction of the bloom. Raising will increase the bloom of blues.

#define TonemapType 1                      //[0|1|2] Type of base tone mapping operator. 0 is LDR, 1 is HDR(original), 2 is HDR Filmic(slight grading).
#define FilmOperator 1                     //[0 or 1] Enables the use of Filmic ALU tone mapping operations that can produce a nice cinematic look.
#define FilmStrength 0.25                  //[0.000 to 1.000] Strength of the filmic tone mapping. Higher for a stronger effect. This is a dependency of FilmicALU.
#define ToneAmount 0.300                   //[0.050 to 1.000] Tonemap strength (tone correction). Higher for stronger tone mapping, lower for lighter.
#define BlackLevels 0.050                  //[0.000 to 1.000] Black level balance (shadow correction). Increase to deepen blacks, lower to lighten them.
#define Exposure 1.000                     //[0.100 to 2.000] White correction (brightness). Higher values for more scene exposure, lower for less.
#define Luminance 1.002                    //[0.100 to 2.000] Luminance average (luminance correction). Higher values will lower scene luminance average.
#define WhitePoint 1.002                   //[0.100 to 2.000] Whitepoint average (wp lum correction). Higher values will lower the maximum scene white point.

#define CorrectionPalette 1                //[1|2|3|4|5] The colorspace palette type. 1: RGB, 2: YXY, 3: XYZ, 4: HSV, 5: YUV. Each one will produce a different combination of shades & hues.
#define ChannelR 2.00                      //[0.00 to 8.00] R(1), Y(2), X(3), H(4), Y(5) component channel varies with the colorspace used. Higher values increase correction strength.
#define ChannelG 1.20                      //[0.00 to 8.00] G(1), X(2), Y(3), S(4), U(5) component channel varies with the colorspace used. Higher values increase correction strength.
#define ChannelB 1.60                      //[0.00 to 8.00] B(1), Y(2), Z(3), V(4), V(5) component channel varies with the colorspace used. Higher values increase correction strength.
#define PaletteStrength 1.00               //[0.00 to 2.00] The interpolated strength ratio between the base color, and the corrected color. Raise to increase saturation.

#define FilmicProcess 1                    //[1|2|3] The color conversion type for the cross process. 1: cool, 2: warm, 3: dusk. You can achieve different results with each.
#define RedShift 0.55                      //[0.10 to 1.00] Red color component shift of the filmic processing. Alters the red balance of the shift.
#define GreenShift 0.50                    //[0.10 to 1.00] Green color component shift of the filmic processing. Alters the green balance of the shift.
#define BlueShift 0.55                     //[0.10 to 1.00] Blue color component shift of the filmic processing. Alters the blue balance of the shift.
#define ShiftRatio 0.50                    //[0.10 to 2.00] The blending ratio for the base color and the color shift. Higher for a stronger effect.

#define SharpenStrength 0.75               //[0.10 to 2.00] Strength of the texture sharpening effect. This is the maximum strength that will be used.
#define SharpenClamp 0.012                 //[0.005 to 0.500] Reduces the clamping/limiting on the maximum amount of sharpening each pixel recieves. Raise this to reduce the clamping.
#define SharpenBias 1.00                   //[1.00 to 4.00] Sharpening edge bias. Lower values for clean subtle sharpen, and higher values for a deeper textured sharpen.
#define DebugSharpen 0                     //[0 or 1] Visualize the sharpening effect. Useful for fine-tuning. Best to disable other effects, to see edge detection clearly.

#define Vibrance 0.15                      //[-1.00 to 1.00] Overall vibrance strength. Locally adjusts the vibrance of pixels depending on their original saturation.
#define RedVibrance 1.00                   //[-8.00 to 8.00] Red channel coefficient of the vibrance strength. Adjusting the vibrance of the red channel independently.
#define GreenVibrance 1.00                 //[-8.00 to 8.00] Green channel coefficient of the vibrance strength. Adjusting the vibrance of the green channel independently.
#define BlueVibrance 1.00                  //[-8.00 to 8.00] Blue channel coefficient of the vibrance strength. Adjusting the vibrance of the blue channel independently.

#define RedGrading 1.20                    //[0.00 to 3.00] Red colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the red channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GreenGrading 1.10                  //[0.00 to 3.00] Green colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Green channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define BlueGrading 1.10                   //[0.00 to 3.00] Blue colour grading coefficient. Adjust to influence the Blue channel coefficients of the grading, and highlight tones.
#define GradingStrength 0.25               //[0.00 to 1.00] The overall max strength of the colour grading effect. Raise to increase, lower to decrease the amount.
#define Correlation 1.00                   //[0.10 to 1.00] Correlation between the base colour, and the grading influence. Lower = more of the scene is graded, Higher = less of the scene is graded.

#define EdgeStrength 1.00                  //[0.00 to 4.00] Overall strength of the cel edge outline effect. Affects the overall density.  0.00: no outlines.
#define EdgeFilter 0.60                    //[0.10 to 2.00] Filters out fainter cel edges. Use it for balancing the cel edge density. EG: for faces, foliage, etc.
#define EdgeThickness 1.00                 //[0.50 to 4.00] Thickness of the cel edges. Increase for thicker outlining.  Note: when downsampling, raise this to keep the same thickness.
#define PaletteType 2                      //[1|2|3] The color palette to use. 1 is Game Original, 2 is Animated Shading, 3 is Water Painting (Default is 2: Animated Shading).
#define UseYuvLuma 0                       //[0 or 1] Uses YUV luma calculations, or base color luma calculations. Yuv luma can produce a better shaded look.
#define LumaConversion 1                   //[0 or 1] Uses BT.601, or BT.709, RGB<-YUV->RGB conversions. Some games prefer 601, but most prefer 709. BT.709 is typically recommended.
#define ColorRounding 1                    //[0 or 1] Uses rounding methods on colors. This can emphasise shaded toon colors. Looks good in some games, and odd in others.

#define PaintMethod 2                      //[1 or 2] The algorithm used for paint effect. 1: water painting, 2: oil painting. You may want to readjust the radius between the two.
#define PaintRadius 4                      //[2 to 8] Radius of the painted effect, increasing the radius also requires longer loops, so higher values require more performance.
#define PaintStrength 1.00                 //[0.00 to 1.00] The overall interpolated strength of the paint effect. Where 1.0 equates to 100% strength.

#define CurveType 0                        //[0|1|2] Choose what to apply contrast to. 0 = Luma, 1 = Chroma, 2 = both Luma and Chroma. Default is 0 (Luma)
#define CurvesContrast 0.35                //[0.00 to 2.00] The amount of contrast you want. Controls the overall strength of the texture sharpening.

#define Gamma 2.20                         //[1.5 to 4.0] Gamma correction. Decrease for lower gamma(darker). Increase for higher gamma(brighter). (Default: 2.2)

#define ScanlineType 0                     //[0|1|2] The type & orientation of the scanlines. 0 is x(horizontal), 1 is y(vertical), 2 is both(xy)
#define ScanlineScale 0.50                 //[0.20 to 2.00] The scaling & thickness of the scanlines. Changing this can help with PCSX2 IR scaling problems.
#define ScanlineIntensity 0.18             //[0.10 to 1.00] The intensity of the scanlines. Defaults: 0.18 for ScanlineType 0|1|2, 0.50 for ScanlineType 3.
#define ScanlineBrightness 1.02            //[0.50 to 2.00] The brightness of the scanlines.  Defaults: 2.00 for ScanlineType 0|1|2, 1.50 for ScanlineType 3.

#define VignetteRatio 1.77                 //[0.15 to 6.00] Sets the espect ratio of the vignette. 1.77 for 16:9, 1.60 for 16:10, 1.33 for 4:3, 1.00 for 1:1.
#define VignetteRadius 1.10                //[0.50 to 3.00] Radius of the vignette effect. Lower values for stronger radial effect from center
#define VignetteAmount 0.25                //[0.00 to 1.00] Strength of black edge occlusion. Increase for higher strength, decrease for lower.
#define VignetteSlope 12                   //[2|4|8|10|12|16] How far away from the center the vignetting will start.

#define DitherMethod 2                     //[1 or 2] 1: Ordered grid dithering(faster), 2: random dithering(higher quality). Hardware dithering is also enabled by default.
#define ShowMethod 0                       //[0 or 1] Shows the dithering method, based of the type of dithering selected. Useful for debugging, and confirmation of working order.

#define BorderWidth float2(2, 2)           //[0 to 2048, 0 to 2048] (X,Y)-width of the border. Measured in pixels.
#define BorderColor float3(0, 0, 0)        //[0 to 255, 0 to 255, 0 to 255] What color the border should be. In integer RGB colors, meaning 0,0,0 is black and 255,255,255 is full white.


So either GSDX shader never worked cause Asmodean says it for DX in the shader thread or it was working but is now not.
It used to work. At least for some configuration parameter. What are the issue exactly? You don't see any impact on the screen?
(05-18-2015, 10:01 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]It used to work. At least for some configuration parameter. What are the issue exactly? You don't see any impact on the screen?

no impact nothing changes at all FXAA with in the gsdx shader deffiently dont work. the PCSX2 FXAA option in gsdx does work though,

And with the settings I use for GSDX shader Color changes darkness changes. and FXAA is handle by it and in opengl none these change take effect,

It says it enabled in pcsx2 log but it not doing anything.

and i know the shader works cause if i go back to DX11 all the settings in the gsdx take effect

Do you have Sync to Vblank enabled on the Nvidia Control Panel?
(05-19-2015, 03:57 PM)123_qwe Wrote: [ -> ]@Gregory

Do you have Sync to Vblank enabled on the Nvidia Control Panel?

It's taking the control panel VBlank setting for you too in OGL huh? Thought it was just me
Yes. Why?
(05-19-2015, 04:28 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]Yes. Why?

Just trying to find reasons to my problem with Wipeout Fusion.
Try to run a dev build and see if there any mtgs wait error message in the log
no go on the gsdx shader with v1.3.1-365-gb52ee6f, i gona keep the rest gsdx shader issues with opengl to the GSDX topic though.
(05-20-2015, 07:15 PM)gregory Wrote: [ -> ]Try to run a dev build and see if there any mtgs wait error message in the log

Did some tests and with the SuperVU recompiler i get smoother performance not 60fps then 30fps then 60fps again i get with MicroVU
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