Is it possible to remove all the target="_blank" attributes of links on this page?
I find it quite inconvinient to be forced to open a new tab. On my mobile this leads to issues as it is not strong enough to handle too many tabs (especially because of the ads i guess). On desktop it is just annoying. Links i always use that open a new tab are the pcsx2 link in the top menu in the forum and the thread guide link in the pm notifications of subscribed threads. I guess there are more but these two links i use regularely.
(I think target blank is also not w3c recommended - and not part of xhtml1.1 and xhtml 1.0 (strict) - and is often considered as usability crime

Wait what links are you saying opens in a new tab? Like the PCSX2 Site link? That opens in the same tab for me.
You are right. My mistake.
It is not the link on the forum to the main page but the link on the main page to the forum. But if you go in circles you can open infinite tabs.
Ahh. Well Bositman will have to sort that but he is pretty busy IRL right now I think. Maybe he will take a look when he gets some time.
Its not urgent. Just kind of annoying. Considering how long i am part of this forum I can also live a bit longer with the current situation. I think he put the target blanks not just accidentially but there was some reason. To me target blanks are just really not nice as they force me to use the web as the dev wants me to use it. And i have the feeling it made more sense when we didnt have tabs.
I don't use mobile a lot so I wouldn't know about that, but for desktop you can just drag the link to the URL area and it will open it in the same tab.
If you remove the target blank simple click opens in the same tab where shift-click or mousewheel-click opens in a new tab. Sounds to me much more convenient.
Every link that navigates you away from the site is target blank. I made it so by keeping in mind that the visitor might want to look around for extra info on PCSX2, while still staying on the website. Also target blank is a totally valid < a > argument and xhtml compliant.
(11-13-2015, 11:39 AM)Bositman Wrote: [ -> ]Every link that navigates you away from the site is target blank. I made it so by keeping in mind that the visitor might want to look around for extra info on PCSX2, while still staying on the website. Also target blank is a totally valid argument and xhtml compliant.
It might be valid but dat hyperlink ain't
Edit: ahaha your lack of tags made my post be a bad link too. Welp thread's broke XD
Wtf this really is broke -_- Oh I think it's the editor. It tries to auto close the tag