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Full Version: Destroy All Humans! Weird Stretching Bug
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Hello, i'm trying to play Destroy all humans but this weird stretching bug happens , which only occurs in this mission.( which lags the pc a lot ):
[Image: 6b052811f1.jpg]
The game runs for 3 seconds and then crashes.
I don't think my pc specs are neccesary but anyways, it might help.

My PC specs are :
NVIDIA Gforce GTX 960
4gb RAM.
AMD ATHLON II X3 445 proccessor 3.10GHz.

I have checked frame skip to 5, nvidia fix , and the photo was taken in software mode.
This stretching happens both in hardware and software mode, perhaps this is a rom bug or something?.
Thanks in advance!
(And sorry for my english)
Please update to the latest git/development version and try to reproduce the issue with default settings.
On the latest version it works like a charm! Laugh
[Image: e4635ffd5d.jpg]