(subtitle being roughly
your final playtime after finishing the game)
Anyway, found a copy at a local retro store for $10 and picked it up immediately. I know the wiki is out of date but I'm assuming the weird button mapping work around is needed for late game still?
Anything else I should know going in?
The wiki is up to date on Star Ocean.
But the wiki is never up to date ;P
But honestly the last tested config was several versions ago.
Considering I played the game just recently still, and the last test config actually came from myself, I can tell you right now there's been no changes to the Dragon Flute part, and that was the only thing that was actually broken (Not even 'broken' per se, it's just that pressure sensitivity has always been an issue on PS2 games like MGS2 and 3 for example as well

) aside from some minor ghosting issues in a select few areas (Arkives, etc).
So you're safe and good to go with the game. And the extra buttons for soft/long presses is only required in Barr Mountains dungeon. So you won't really have to worry about that until much later in the game.
Alright, How do I fix these shadow issues? Fayt Doesn't have any shadows and everyone else's just looks... Wrong. I'm using the latest stable (1.4)
Also, on an unrelated note why is PCSX2 spitting out images as BMP now
Also, why does the screenshot tool output in 4:3 even when my window is 16x9? Makes the images smooshed in screenshots
Here is my settings
EDIT I WAS using OPENGL I just switched it to D3D11 to see if it would fix the issue (It did not)
What controller do you use Bomblord? If it's a PS3 controller, using SCP's Lilypad.dll allows proper use of pressure sensitivity in games.
The shadow issues are a thing, but to help get "some" shadows back, enable Alpha Stencil in the HW Hacks.
I'm not sure if the issue can be outright fixed with OGL since I can't use OGL, but maybe? You'd have to play around with that on your end.
Also: Remember that this game allows you to boot into 480p 16:9 mode too, if you use Full Boot press and hold X and Triangle after "PlayStation 2" disappears. =).