Is there any tool for editing iso. I have dvd of hw.wr and after converted to iso. It is not loaded. It says "slf module not found". What to do? Should i change its module folder with module folder of another game? Or is there any another tool for changing it from dvd to cd iso.
How can i edit using imgburn. Is there any guide? Will the iso fully corrupted or not after editing? I mean that will pcsx2 run or it say ps2 directory not found? Is there any another toolwhich can replace another files inside iso to this iso file.
Forgot who posted this, either nobbs or jes.
I couldn't find the image anymore. Recreated it.
[Image: ImgBurn.png]
Not about this. I am talking about removing inside files such as .irx and module files and replacing them with same files of another game. Or can i use dvd to cd patcher if it is here then post its link.
you have no reason to be messing with game files. It's not nearly as simple as you think. Anyways apache can modify ISOs.
What is apache? I can try anything but just need a guide now.
This is Apache. It's used to modify the ISO files. But like nobbs said it won't be easy to do. 9 out of 10 times you'll get an unbootable game out of it. Tricky business.
I think the only succesful mods for PS2 I've seen so far are Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, FFXII-IZJS, Valkyrie Profile 2 and Tales of the Abyss undubbed.