I have a 9600gt gfx card, 3 gigs of RAM...but my processor is kinda on the low side. Would I be able to play, say, FFX with this setup? My PS3 have PS2 support and I was thinking of going out and getting FFX again, but I don't want to spend the money if I won't be able to play it

(03-29-2009, 09:24 PM)anth79mac Wrote: [ -> ]I have a 9600gt gfx card, 3 gigs of RAM...but my processor is kinda on the low side. Would I be able to play, say, FFX with this setup? My PS3 have PS2 support and I was thinking of going out and getting FFX again, but I don't want to spend the money if I won't be able to play it 
What's your exact model processor? If you have at least the SSSE3 instruction set, you should be ok if you overclock your processor.
FFX would most likely be slow with this. PCSX2 relies mostly on a processor speed. You will need to either overclock of change your processor

Oh well, I don't know a thing about overclocking and can't afford to buy a new processor right now if I screw something up. Guess I'll have to wait until I can afford a new one.
(03-29-2009, 09:55 PM)anth79mac Wrote: [ -> ]Oh well, I don't know a thing about overclocking and can't afford to buy a new processor right now if I screw something up. Guess I'll have to wait until I can afford a new one.
It's pretty hard to screw anything with overclocking these days. Just google your processor and motherboard +overclocking to see how it's done.
OK, I've given it a try, but how can I tell if it actually worked? Will the BIOS say it's now a 2.8 ghz processor now or whatever? Or is there no real way to test it other than trying something out?
i think it would say the changed speed in the Computer's properties

Thanks yeah it did, it went from 2.13 ghz to 2.4--gonna see if I can push it up to 3.1. And as long as I keep the temperature under 70 degrees C I should be golden?
I was able to run ffx quite well at 2.4GHz but i did need to use native then.