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Full Version: Black Screen
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Hey guys i always get an blackscreen after the intro from the game (DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3) i´m playing any solution for this issue?

Here the log
PCSX2 1.0.0.r5350  - compiled on Aug  1 2012
Savestate version: 0x9a080000

Host Machine Init:
Operating System =  Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
Physical RAM     =  4095 MB
CPU name         =  Intel® Core™2 Quad  CPU   Q8200  @ 2.33GHz
Vendor/Model     =  GenuineIntel (stepping 07)
CPU speed        =  2.332 ghz (4 logical threads)
x86PType         =  Standard OEM
x86Flags         =  bfebfbff 0008e39d
x86EFlags        =  20100000

x86 Features Detected:
MMX.. SSE.. SSE2.. SSE3.. SSSE3.. SSE4.1

Reserving memory for recompilers...

Loading plugins...
Binding   GS: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\gsdx32-sse2.dll 
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 (
Binding  PAD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\lilypad.dll 
Binding SPU2: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\spu2-x.dll 
Binding CDVD: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\cdvdiso.dll 
Binding  USB: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\USBnull.dll 
Binding   FW: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\FWnull.dll 
Binding DEV9: C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2 1.0.0\Plugins\DEV9null.dll 
Plugins loaded successfully.

(GameDB) 9640 games on record (loaded in 333ms)
HLE Notice: ELF does not have a path.

Initializing plugins...
Init GS
Windows 6.1.7601 (Service Pack 1 1.0)
NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 (
Init PAD
Init SPU2
Init USB
Init FW
Init DEV9
Plugins initialized successfully.

Opening plugins...
Opening GS
Opening PAD
Opening SPU2
Opening CDVD
isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Gotrek\Downloads\DragonBall Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Europe, Australia) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It) ISO\DragonBall Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Europe, Australia) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It).iso
Image type  = DVD
Fileparts   = 1
 * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
 * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (1392640 sectors)
Opening USB
Opening FW
Opening DEV9
McdSlot 0: C:\Users\Gotrek\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1: C:\Users\Gotrek\Documents\PCSX2\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
McdSlot 2: [disabled]
McdSlot 3: [disabled]
McdSlot 4: [disabled]
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: Europe  v01.60(04/10/2001)  Console
BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59,94 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50,00 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59,94 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50,00 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59,94 fps
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 50,00 fps
CDVD READ ERROR, sector = 0x0016bf18
CDVD READ ERROR, sector = 0x0016bee8
Closing plugins...
Closing DEV9
Closing FW
Closing USB
Closing CDVD
Closing SPU2
Closing PAD
Closing GS
Plugins closed successfully.
(10-02-2016, 04:33 PM)Problem995 Wrote: [ -> ]isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Gotrek\Downloads\DragonBall Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Europe, Australia) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It) ISO\DragonBall Z - Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (Europe, Australia) (En,Ja,Fr,De,Es,It).iso

Our forum does not tolerate any kind of warez talk / discussion / links and no support will be given as such.
Read our rules,specifically rule #1. Thread closed.