Is it currently possible or within development to play with players over lan such as me and my brother using 2 different pc's using pcsx2 and connecting to the same game though local co op. Please do not confuse this with connecting though multiplayer, strictly speaking, co op.
I could use teamviewer to accomplish this but would not be optimal for the second player.
PCSX2 itself doesn't support such capabilities.
IIRC splashtop is similar to teamviewer but focuses on lower latency and high frame rate - so it fits gaming and video use cases better. I tried it once long time ago and it was interesting, but I don't know what's going on with it these days.
Well the reason I mention teamviewer is because it allows the 2nd player to control input device's connected to the host such as configuring a second controller and having the 2nd player online or lan control it from another computer though teamviewer, I assume splashtop does the same?
I'm not a splashtop salesman. Check it out and see if it fits your purpose.
anyways, I failed to ask if you knew of any plugins that allowed connection over lan/internet for pcsx2 or if it would even be possible.
(10-06-2016, 01:55 AM)Oxidine Wrote: [ -> ]anyways, I failed to ask if you knew of any plugins that allowed connection over lan/internet for pcsx2 or if it would even be possible.
thetre was a side project by Alex Sharoff that did it.
But it has been given up
Alright, well thanks for the reply guys, have a good one!