Question is basically the title. I'm talking about a real Japanese PSX, not what a lot of people refer to the PS1 as. I have one sitting around that needs repair. Thought it might be fun to get it up and running and then maybe rip it's Japanese BIOS. But it uses the XMB like Sony's later consoles. So I'm curious to as to whether or not it would even work with the emulator. Either way it's broken until I can get some new ribbon cables and fuses on it.
(11-12-2016, 03:06 AM)Obfuscatorn Wrote: [ -> ]Question is basically the title. I'm talking about a real Japanese PSX, not what a lot of people refer to the PS1 as. I have one sitting around that needs repair. Thought it might be fun to get it up and running and then maybe rip it's Japanese BIOS. But it uses the XMB like Sony's later consoles. So I'm curious to as to whether or not it would even work with the emulator. Either way it's broken until I can get some new ribbon cables and fuses on it.
not sure why youd want to for pcsx2.. it uses the bios from your ps2...
(11-12-2016, 03:35 AM)scythefwd Wrote: [ -> ]not sure why youd want to for pcsx2.. it uses the bios from your ps2...
But a PSX is a version of the PS2. Just with more of a media setup added to it. I already have a US PS2 and have the Bios from it. This is just something I'm curious about because it's a fairly unusual system.
I'll shaddap now.. misread your post, brain must have filled in psx for the small ps1.. I stand corrected.
I think the PSX hardware is a bit different from the straight PS2, it "might" work, if you're super lucky, but I wouldn't guarantee it. It would be interesting to see what happens nonetheless

I can save you the trouble (at least if your only goal is to see what PCSX2 does with it - reparing that unit and dumping the BIOS might still be a good idea just for its own sake) - it won't boot and PCSX2 will crash if you try to fast-boot into a game.
It would be neat if that particular hardware variant would get some support at some stage, just because that's where stuff like XMB originated from, but I'm sure there's more pressing matters.

(11-12-2016, 10:23 AM)refraction Wrote: [ -> ]I think the PSX hardware is a bit different from the straight PS2, it "might" work, if you're super lucky, but I wouldn't guarantee it. It would be interesting to see what happens nonetheless 
There was discussion on using the PSX bios on github. Sadly the answer is no(similar situation to using a TOOL BIOS)