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Full Version: codebreaker update
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I guess you need to boot on the ps2 bios to get to the internal memcard browser and launch the update.
Just like you would do on your real ps2
ive sorted it now thank you.. but what do i do now if i want to use say memeory card 2 which is where i placed the codebreaker memory card? do i just keep swappong over as if it was a real card on the old ps2 or can i put the codebreaker save into a memory card
think ive sussed that now too
(09-26-2017, 12:35 PM)striker2fall Wrote: [ -> ]ive sorted it now thank you.. but what do i do now if i want to use say memeory card 2 which is where i placed the codebreaker memory card? do i just keep swappong over as if it was a real card on the old ps2 or can i put the codebreaker save into a memory card

Ditch codebreaker and use the pnach files is what I'd tell you to do. No swapping needed ever then. (both discs/memcards).
(09-26-2017, 02:46 PM)Ryudo Wrote: [ -> ]Ditch codebreaker and use the pnach files is what I'd tell you to do. No swapping needed ever then. (both discs/memcards).

i have no idea what that means
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