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Full Version: Onimusha dawn of dreams online?
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Hey, I'm new here so i'm hoping that I posted this in the right section  Blush

So I'm trying to play Onimusha dawn of dreams online with a friend using PCSX2, I've watched tutorials on how to play games online using PCSX2 but I seem to keep coming across many problems.
The first problem is with the PCSX2 netplay when I go into onimusha for some reason the character soki can do all of his fighting moves except for run! idk why but when I register the lily pad for the analog controls they dont work. Everything else works just not that.

So I tried to get the original PCSX2 non netplay and that one works just fine, he runs and everything, except Idk how to play online with that one. DX

Sorry if this is confusing is there any solution for this problem? thanks in advanced
The old NetPlay build hasn't been updated in a long while, and it just had inherent problems where analog sticks didn't work. The normal PCSX2 builds don't have NetPlay built in, so that's a no go as well.

But you're in luck.

SmileTheory recently took a shot at fixing up the old NetPlay code and getting it working with the current dev builds. Check out his thread and see if it helps you out at all: https://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-PCSX2-Online-Plus
Ah! thanks so much pandudbz! I'm testing it right now Smile i'm a little confused on what plugins I should be using? and for some reason when I go into the game the screen stays black after the loading memory card screen.
(12-06-2017, 06:03 AM)onimushaislit Wrote: [ -> ]Ah! thanks so much pandudbz! I'm testing it right now Smile i'm a little confused on what plugins I should be using? and for some reason when I go into the game the screen stays black after the loading memory card screen.

His build doesn't ship with the plugins so you can just use whichever ones you already have on your system. Ideally, use plugins from the latest dev build (https://buildbot.orphis.net/pcsx2/index.php).

As for the black screen problem, Lightning and I tried running it ourselves but had compatibility problems. It seems that the following have to match absolutely perfectly on both systems or else problems occur:
  • BIOS version and region
  • Game region
  • Memory card file
Lightning being PAL and me NTSC, and different BIOS versions and regions, we couldn't get it working. These may or may not be the problem in your case but something to consider. I don't know much else and would go ask SmileTheory in his thread if it keeps misbehaving.
I see thanks a lot Smile I'll keep trying different methods, really appreciate the help ^ ^