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Full Version: Tales of the Abyss. Widescreen and World Map
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I own an English copy of the game. But those muted skits are unbearable, besides I usually prefer Japanese audio in JRPGs. So the game is patched.
And now about my problem. I tested the WS patch on the original version, the game itself looked correctly, though the menu was stretched. Then I renamed the pnatch file and used the undubbed iso. Character menu, battle menu and everything else is NOT stretched this time and I'm happy about it. But I have a problem with map and mini-map icons when using widescreen patch, they all are out of their places. Screenshots are attached. Is there any way to fix it? Sorry for my bad English.
You actually modified data on your iso when you patched it.
Apart from writing a new wide-screen patch, nothing you can do.