so i just got pcsx2 to work but now everytime i try to play wwe 2011 it just lags too much and its too slow can anyone help?
Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.
Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
That cpu is just too slow. you will never haveĀ thatĀ game at good speeds with that cpu..
play it on your PS2
(05-06-2019, 06:30 AM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]^this.
play it on your PS2
so there is no way that i can get it to run faster than this?
with an STR below 1000 ? no
your PS2 is definitely your best bet for now
(05-06-2019, 03:57 PM)bemo Wrote: [ -> ]so there is no way that i can get it to run faster than this?
Using DX11
Software will make it even harder to achieve good speed.
Try with DX 11 Hardware but your Intel GPU HD 4000 is not something impressive,you may get even less speed if the game is gpu intensive