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Full Version: [Bug Report] Post-processing issue?
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Ok, first of all i don´t know anything about programming or how this thing work, but i tried to play monster lab recently this thing happened

, at the start i tought it wasn't working, but then i released the game was running, but the grafics were like this

i tried using the 1 and 6 emulator settings pre-definition but it doesn't seem to change anything, can someone help me???
I found that i just need to use SW mode, other person also have been aswered about this, srry
Could you at least provide information on what version you are using and what the game is?
Have you fixed your problem or do you still need help? Smile
This game requires Framebuffer Conversion Hack in Hardware mode
(07-30-2020, 11:21 PM)lynnps2 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you fixed your problem or do you still need help? Smile

looks like its fixed.
Thank you for your report.
This bug report has now been marked as Resolved with a workaround since it has been fixed on our code base.

This thread will now be closed and moved to the resolved bug reports subforum.