So far I've been having an issue with Pcsx2 starting up with a game mounted. If I set the plugin to No disc I can boot to the main menu but if I set it to where my game is mounted it just straight crashes. Not sure what kind of information you may need though. What do you need to know to fix my issue?
(05-05-2009, 07:19 PM)darksonic Wrote: [ -> ]Hello!
So far I've been having an issue with Pcsx2 starting up with a game mounted. If I set the plugin to No disc I can boot to the main menu but if I set it to where my game is mounted it just straight crashes. Not sure what kind of information you may need though. What do you need to know to fix my issue?
Is it the BIOS issue?
BIOS seems to be fine. Like I said if I set the DVD plugin to No disc it'll boot into the main menu just fine.
how are you loading the disc?
Unmount your iso; use and point Linuz Iso to it's location. Play.
Wow thanks! I'm playing Frequency and my 360 controller seems a bit sluggish. Anyway to make the buttons feel more responsive?
(05-05-2009, 10:05 PM)darksonic Wrote: [ -> ]Wow thanks! I'm playing Frequency and my 360 controller seems a bit sluggish. Anyway to make the buttons feel more responsive?
It's possible that the sluggish response is due to low frame rate. What is your frame rate (fps)?
Constant 60FPS. I turned on Vsync because the games were running too fast. Everything is smooth as butter now.
(05-05-2009, 10:25 PM)darksonic Wrote: [ -> ]I turned on Vsync because the games were running too fast.
well you don't need to set Vsync when there's a frame limiter in Config->Cpu

Ah ha! Thank you for that.