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Full Version: curse of the were rabbit
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cant get this playing right
if i run it through open gl i get a square section of coloured dots all around the screen where ever i look
if i use direct 3d 11 the colours are fine but i get a double blurly image sort of effect on anything further away

does this game only play correctly in softwhere mode?

this is from pcsx2 1.6 with a rx5700 gpu
give latest git build a try
(07-07-2021, 01:01 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]give latest git build a try

still the same with the dev builds software mode works fine but any hardware mode has issues

thats what i get on open gl render tried enabling the HW hack memory wrap thats to fix FMS in game but sstill have issues in general gameplay

did you enable mipmapping ?
i didnt befor but have tired setting to both fast full and automatic and still no change
anyone else have any suggestions?
got it running right on direct 3d had to enable half pixel ofset to vertex and round sprite to half got riddle of the blurly double image effect