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Full Version: F1 2001, black parts on the rendering
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Hi everybody

I use PCSX2 Nightly v1.7.3284, running on an ASRock 1165G7 (i7-1165G7, Intel Iris XE, 16 Go Ram)
On F1 2001, I have black parts displayed on a whole part of the picture : 

[Image: F1-2001.png]

(don't pay attention on the bad ratio, the game was in 16/9 and the emulator in 4/3...)

This "black" appears only when internal resolution is not on "Native (PS2)" (I normally set it up on 3x). But here, even on 2x, I have this "black"
Since the game is of course nicer on 3x and runs smoothly, I wanted to know if there was another setup I could try to prevent this. I tried the last build of 1.7 and it does the same

Thanks for your help
Can you provide a GS dump? Should be able to make one from the debug menu, when the black is on the screen
I'm not allowed to post url so it's on dropbox in this "folder" : /s/kaqzh3fvfwllo16/F1%202001_Black%20parts%20on%20screen.rar?dl=0

I made three of them

H i here,

I tried with F1 2002 and F1 Career Challenge, I have the same behaviour. I don't know if there are other games with the same engine to test and see if there is the same issue
Half pixel offset normal vertex should fix this. Can you check and confirm? You can find the option under upscaling fixes.
Works perfect, thanx !