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Full Version: Hello.....Would someone help me to convert this code from JP to US NTSC please ?
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i found it from blog.goo.ne.jp/touffu/e/437420e55a55ad6c413728bc08defd1a , it's Monster Hunter SLPM-65495 (JP) PAR-3 Codes

And this is the code that i need to use on the Monster Hunter US, it's translated already.

Attack motion changed (encrypted)

9C889BB0 3853E7xx
A5 Great sword (both hands) )
A6 Bowgun (two-handed)
A7 Hammer (two-handed)
A8 Lance (one-handed)
A1 One-handed sword (one-handed)
If you change the motion of a two-handed weapon to a one-handed weapon, it will stop at the start of the quest.
The motion of a one-handed weapon to a two-handed weapon is possible.

I've been convert those using OmniConvert to RAW codes, but still doesn't work. I think it came from the codes Version/Region differences.

Would someone help me to convert this code from JP to US NTSC please ?

Big Thanks in Advanced