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Full Version: GTA SanAnreas freezing problem
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Hi everyone!

I would like to ask some help regarding GTA San Andreas. Well I have been playing this game a couple of hours now and just as the missions gets further/game going towards the end I am encountering some freezing issues.

I am using a version 1 EU of the game. I have tried bunch of different graphics and bios settings but no luck. I have also tried the US version of it and using a US bios and loaded the save state of the EU version but it will just break the game. Any ideas why is this freezing issue happening? Many Thanks!

PS: I have a video of the problem but the forum rules won't let me post any url of the video.
Where did you get the BIOS and the games?

I guess you will not get any help here unless you can prove that you dumped the different BIOS's from your own PlayStation 2's yourself and legally purchased the games. But since this would be stupid to buy a PAL and NTSC console with a NTSC and PAL game, it smacks strongly of illegal downloading.
Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.

Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
Hi, it is weird to say this but the emulogs are nowhere to be found on both of those folders that you mentioned. Is there any settings I need to do so that the pcsx2 will log my progress/game?
oh, you're using latest dev build, i guess
tools->enable file logging
(02-01-2024, 09:54 AM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]oh, you're using latest dev build, i guess
tools->enable file logging



Thanks for your reply. I have done what you said but this is all I can get from the log.

I just booted the game and load the save states and the game froze.
load from memcard
(02-01-2024, 08:32 PM)jesalvein Wrote: [ -> ]load from memcard

Hi. Apologize for the late update. Had a rough week.

So, I just figured it out what's the problem. Well I did load it on my mem card saved file and played the mission from there. Surprisingly the game went on without an error. I think it is my mistake to start the game and load the save state rather than loading the memory card file itself.

Thank you for the support and reply that you did. Glady appreciate it. I can say that we can close this thread now. Problem solved. Cheers!