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Full Version: GPU Palette Conversion problem
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When running NCAA 06, the only way to resolve some graphical problems is to turn Mipmapping Off and to turn on Trilinear (Forced). In this game, if you turn mipmapping to Automatic, Basic, or Full, it causes the yard lines to become blurry (when looking downfield, at low angles) and the yard numbers on the field become barely visible. To be able to see the yard lines and the yard line numbers clearly, Mipmapping needs to be set to Off.

And if you set Trilinear Filtering to Automatic, Off (None) or Trilinear (PS2) the overall graphics quality will be reduced, and you will observe jagged edges of the field lines downfield.

So the only settings to make the graphics look good is to have Mipmapping Off and Trilinear (Forced). With these settings, the graphics look good, however I have noticed that having Mipmapping Off causes a separate problem. This causes the nameplate on the back of the uniform to become glitched.

With Trilinear Filtering set to Trilinear (Forced), the nameplate glitch goes away when you set mipmapping to Automatic or Full, but that has the effect of causing the yard lines to become blurry and the yard numbers to become barely visible. So this means we have to choose between having glitchy uniform name plates with clean field graphics or having normal uniform name plates with field graphics issues.

In an effort to resolve the nameplate issue with Mipmapping Off with Trilinear (Forced) I went into Game Properties > Graphics > Rendering > turned on Manual Hardware Renderer Fixes and then turned on GPU Palette Conversion. This resolved the name plate glitch but also disabled the effects of the setting Trilinear (Forced).

Anotherwords, when you turn on GPU Palette Conversion, with Trilinear Filtering set to Trilinear (Forced), this causes the improvements to the graphics that Trilinear (Forced) provides to become disabled, as the graphical problems that are apparent with Trilinear set to Automatic, Off or Trilinear (PS2) become apparent once again, even with Trilinear (Forced) still set under Trilinear Filtering.

So to review, the only setting that displays the field graphics properly for NCAA 06 is to have Mipmapping set to Off with Trilinear Filtering set to Trilinear (Forced). Mipmapping set to Off however causes the uniform nameplate glitch. Mipmapping set to Automatic or Full resolves the name plate glitch but causes blurry yard lines and barely visible yard numbers on the field.

Turning on GPU Palette Conversion on resolves the name plate glitch as well, but has the effect of disabling the clean field graphics that can only be achieved by with Trilinear (Forced). So turning GPU Palette Conversion causes the graphics to revert to the way they are with Trilinear filtering set to Automatic, Off or Trilinear (PS2) (jaggies) even with it still set to Trilinear (Forced).

I am trying to have the field graphics be like they are with Mipmapping set to Off and with Trilinear (Forced), which look great, only without the name plate glitch.

Perhaps this problem could be resolved by ensuring that the GPU Palette Conversion setting doesn't disable the graphical effects of Trilinear (Forced). Or perhaps the yard line blurriness / yard numbers texture problems in NCAA 06 could be resolved with Mipmapping set to Automatic or Full.

There should be some combination of settings to resolve the name plate glitch while having the clean field graphics that can only be achieved presently with Mipmapping set to Off and with Trilinear (Forced).