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Hi There Im New To Emulation So Please do Bear With Me. I Recently Downloaded Pcsx2 To Play My Old Ps2 Games I have Had For Years In A Better Resolution Then What My Ps2 can Do! I Been Playing Scooby Doo Unmasked A Classic Game From My Childhood But I Noticed Strange Flickering's And Textures Just Seem To Expand And Sometimes Block The Screen. I Tried Changing Many Settings Around Even Enabled EE Timing Hack As I Read That Can Sometimes Fix It But No Luck The Textures Just Seem To Become Unstable. Attached Is The Worst Of It But In Early Levels It Is There Too Just Not As Bad.
Lower the internal resolution and don't tweak settings you don't need to tweak. Generally the default/recommended settings are best and some games simply don't scale with resolution well.
Is it just on that bit of the game? because I can't get it to happen at the start at all, you may have messed up your settings, since you've apparently been fiddling.

go in to the game properties and click "clear settings" in the bottom left, then go to the normal settings and click "Restore defaults" in the same place. You can then increase your resolution under Graphics->Rendering, but don't touch anything else.
I found this in a google search, and made an account to confirm I have the same issue. And to answer the previous reply, the glitch only starts up in that sewer level. However, in the opening theme for the game (the scooby dooby doo where are you, theme song), some of the characters have their models do mess up this way. Velma for example, has her turtleneck turn into a flailing inflatable arm-flailing tube-man. lol

Edit: I forgot to mention, I tried different sources for the game, and it happens to them all. So I can probably rule out a corrupted ISO, but who knows?
I could use a memcard save at the break point if it happens at the beginning of the sewer level, if not, then maybe a savestate from the latest nightly at the point it starts going wrong.

That would be super helpful Smile
I attached the screenshots, but uploaded the .p2s files on google drive, since they're over the 2.1 mb limit here.

// Velma in the beginning cutscene;

// Beginning of Level where the glitch happens within-gameplay;

During that sewer level, you'll notice waterfalls appearing all over the place, and some ground textures forming pillars that spring upward. It seems like corrupted vertex data in the models, like the positions of certain points are missing. But that's just what I've learned from messing with 3D Engines over the years.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

PS: I really hope those are her arms and not something else I'm thinking of, lol.
I copied the memcard file to a blank card drive.google.com/file/d/1fwVt_d71nHnoTQ3D1Oq_6JCgt9Z3ng3U/view?usp=drive_link
perfect, thanks Smile No immediate fix that I can find, so the memcard will be handy.
Okay, can you try the game *without* the widescreen patch, for me it immediately breaks when I enable that, and works fine without it.

Be sure to reboot the game normally, don't use a savestate.

Edit: I've also removed the patches from 1.7.5843 onward, when they exist.
With latest nightly, and no widescreen patch enabled, the game looks fine. The opening movie looked fine, and I could load up the savegame for the sewer level without seeing distortions.