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Full Version: Visual glitch on Lego Island Extreme Stunts - 1.7
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Hi ! 

I have weird visual glitch on Lego Island Extreme Stunts. 

It seems that they were not on 1.6 (but I may be mistaken)
I currently use : 1.7.5843

Otherwise, everyting is nice and smooth.

What kind of settings should i play with to try resolve this issue ?

Best regards,
Oh for cock sake not another rubbish widescreen patch.

disable the widescreen patches and your game will be fine.
(05-27-2024, 12:14 AM)refraction Wrote: [ -> ]Oh for cock sake not another rubbish widescreen patch.

disable the widescreen patches and your game will be fine.

HI ! 

Thanks a lot ! 

It was a bit more complex than that, but you put me on the right path.

- the "16:9" setting in the bios was the main culprite
- Combined with the patch activated on the general setting (but not on the game one, wich i already had switch off)
- And the ratio setting

Anyway, thanks a lot ! 

Can you give me the propper way to display "16:9" compatible games ? 
Is it only when the game itself propose such setting in their menus (EX : THPS4) ?

Thanks !
As far as I can tell the BIOS setting does nothing in this game, it was just the patch (I just tested the BIOS option).

if your game supports 16:9 and there's no patch (that works), you can set it ingame then change the aspect ratio under settings->game properties, then the Graphics->Display tab.