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Full Version: please help need patch for......
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Pages: 1 2
its about 40`50 fps
where can i find the version
Rolleyes look inside the disk for file named S***_***.**
i have an iso not a dvd
(07-30-2009, 10:56 PM)coder_fx Wrote: [ -> ]i have an iso not a dvd

And what's the problem to mount the ISO?
When you start the game in the console you'll see a line
loadElfFile: cdrom0:\
there is what I need
it writes sles_541.64;1; crc=278722bf
(07-30-2009, 11:06 PM)coder_fx Wrote: [ -> ]it writes sles_541.64;1; crc=278722bf

At last...you have the PAL version
thanxxxxxxxxxx man
Pages: 1 2