Checking GLLoader.cpp... [GLLoader.cpp:253]: (warning) %d in format string (no. 1) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [GLLoader.cpp:253]: (warning) %d in format string (no. 2) requires 'int' but the argument type is 'unsigned int'. [GSSetting.h:36]: (performance) Variable 'name' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. [GSSetting.h:37]: (performance) Variable 'note' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. [stdafx.h:225]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'delete_object::operator()' can be const. [stdafx.h:226]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'delete_first::operator()' can be const. [stdafx.h:227]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'delete_second::operator()' can be const. [stdafx.h:228]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'aligned_free_object::operator()' can be const. [stdafx.h:229]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'aligned_free_first::operator()' can be const. [stdafx.h:230]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'aligned_free_second::operator()' can be const. Checking GLLoader.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GLLoader.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GLLoader.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GLLoader.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GLLoader.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GLLoader.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GLLoader.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GLLoader.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GLLoader.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GLLoader.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __linux__... Checking GLLoader.cpp: __x86_64__... 1/114 files checked 0% done Checking GLState.cpp... [GSVector.h:2982]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2982, character code=e2) [GSVector.h:2982]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2982, character code=80) [GSVector.h:2982]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2982, character code=98) [GSVector.h:2982]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2982, character code=99) [GSVector.h:2984]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2984, character code=e2) [GSVector.h:2984]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2984, character code=80) [GSVector.h:2984]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2984, character code=98) [GSVector.h:2984]: (error) The code contains characters that are unhandled. Neither unicode nor extended ASCII are supported. (line=2984, character code=99) 2/114 files checked 1% done Checking GPU.cpp... 3/114 files checked 1% done Checking GPUDrawScanline.cpp... 4/114 files checked 1% done Checking GPUDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.cpp... 5/114 files checked 2% done Checking GPULocalMemory.cpp... 6/114 files checked 3% done Checking GPURenderer.cpp... 7/114 files checked 3% done Checking GPURendererSW.cpp... 8/114 files checked 4% done Checking GPUSettingsDlg.cpp... 9/114 files checked 4% done Checking GPUSetupPrimCodeGenerator.cpp... 10/114 files checked 4% done Checking GPUState.cpp... 11/114 files checked 5% done Checking GS.cpp... 12/114 files checked 6% done Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp... [GSAlignedClass.h:35]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSAlignedClass::operatordelete' can be const. [GSAlignedClass.h:45]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSAlignedClass::operatordelete[]' can be const. Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSAlignedClass.cpp: __x86_64__... 13/114 files checked 6% done Checking GSBlock.cpp... 14/114 files checked 6% done Checking GSCapture.cpp... 15/114 files checked 7% done Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp... [baseclasses/wxutil.h:155]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CAMThread {' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/combase.h:200]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CUnknown :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:32]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CMsgThread {' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:53]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaControl :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:95]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaEvent :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:137]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CMediaPosition :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:394]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBasicAudio :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:437]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseBasicVideo :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:487]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseVideoWindow :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:532]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CSourcePosition :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:570]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CSourceSeeking :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:764]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CCmdQueue {' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:56]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseMediaFilter :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:148]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseFilter :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:330]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBasePin :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:712]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseOutputPin :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:819]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseInputPin :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1339]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CBaseAllocator :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/transfrm.h:174]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CTransformFilter :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/transip.h:138]: (information) The code 'class AM_NOVTABLE CTransInPlaceFilter :' is not handled. You can use -I or --include to add handling of this code. [baseclasses/wxlist.h:261]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:263]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:264]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:271]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:273]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:274]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/fourcc.h:84]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/transip.h:228]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/transip.h:232]: (style) C-style pointer casting [GSCaptureDlg.cpp:42]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:506]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:507]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:525]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:527]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:529]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:531]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:510]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:512]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:515]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:517]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:519]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.h:87]: (warning) Member variable 'CNode::m_pPrev' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/wxlist.h:87]: (warning) Member variable 'CNode::m_pNext' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/wxlist.h:87]: (warning) Member variable 'CNode::m_pObject' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/dsschedule.h:43]: (warning, inconclusive) Member variable 'CAdvisePacket::m_next' is not initialized in the constructor. [GSCaptureDlg.cpp:26]: (warning) Member variable 'GSCaptureDlg::m_colorspace' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/wxutil.h:526]: (style) 'QzCComPtr::operator=' should return 'QzCComPtr &'. [baseclasses/wxlist.h:124] -> [baseclasses/wxlist.h:158]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CNodeCache::m_iUsed' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/wxdebug.h:348]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'CDisp::operatorLPCTSTR' can be const. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:206]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'COARefTime::operatordouble' can be const. [baseclasses/ctlutil.h:210]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'COARefTime::operatorREFERENCE_TIME' can be const. [baseclasses/dsschedule.h:123]: (performance, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'CAMSchedule::DumpLinkedList' can be static. [baseclasses/wxutil.h:519]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'QzCComPtr::operatorT*' can be const. Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: APSTUDIO_INVOKED... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: APSTUDIO_INVOKED;APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: PERF... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: UNICODE... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/transip.h:214]: (portability) The extra qualification 'CTransInPlaceFilter::' is unnecessary and is considered an error by many compilers. [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:52] -> [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:44]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMsgThread::m_hSem' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:54] -> [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:42]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMsgThread::m_ThreadQueue' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/msgthrd.h:58]: (warning, inconclusive) Class 'CMsgThread' which has virtual members does not have a virtual destructor. [baseclasses/wxutil.h:195]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'CAMThread::Close' can be const. [baseclasses/vtrans.h:138] -> [baseclasses/transfrm.h:277]: (warning) The class 'CVideoTransformFilter' defines member variable with name 'm_bQualityChanged' also defined in its parent class 'CTransformFilter'. Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: _X86_... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __linux__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __strmif_h__... Checking GSCaptureDlg.cpp: __x86_64__... 16/114 files checked 7% done Checking GSClut.cpp... 17/114 files checked 8% done Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp... [GSCodeBuffer.cpp:35]: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types. Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSCodeBuffer.cpp: __x86_64__... 18/114 files checked 8% done Checking GSCrc.cpp... Checking GSCrc.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSCrc.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCrc.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSCrc.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCrc.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCrc.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSCrc.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSCrc.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSCrc.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSCrc.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __linux__... Checking GSCrc.cpp: __x86_64__... 19/114 files checked 10% done Checking GSDevice.cpp... 20/114 files checked 10% done Checking GSDevice11.cpp... 21/114 files checked 12% done Checking GSDevice9.cpp... 22/114 files checked 14% done Checking GSDeviceDX.cpp... 23/114 files checked 14% done Checking GSDeviceNull.cpp... 24/114 files checked 14% done Checking GSDeviceOGL.cpp... 25/114 files checked 17% done Checking GSDeviceSW.cpp... 26/114 files checked 17% done Checking GSDialog.cpp... 27/114 files checked 18% done Checking GSDirtyRect.cpp... 28/114 files checked 18% done Checking GSDrawScanline.cpp... 29/114 files checked 21% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.cpp... 30/114 files checked 21% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x64.avx.cpp... 31/114 files checked 23% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x64.cpp... 32/114 files checked 23% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x86.avx.cpp... 33/114 files checked 26% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x86.avx2.cpp... 34/114 files checked 29% done Checking GSDrawScanlineCodeGenerator.x86.cpp... 35/114 files checked 32% done Checking GSDump.cpp... 36/114 files checked 32% done Checking GSFunctionMap.cpp... 37/114 files checked 32% done Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp... [GSLinuxDialog.cpp:138]: (portability) scanf without field width limits can crash with huge input data on some versions of libc. Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __linux__... Checking GSLinuxDialog.cpp: __x86_64__... 38/114 files checked 33% done Checking GSLocalMemory.cpp... 39/114 files checked 36% done Checking GSPerfMon.cpp... [GSPerfMon.cpp:25]: (warning) Member variable 'GSPerfMon::m_start' is not initialized in the constructor. [GSPerfMon.h:56]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSPerfMon::GetFrame' can be const. [GSPerfMon.h:59]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSPerfMon::Get' can be const. Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __linux__... Checking GSPerfMon.cpp: __x86_64__... 40/114 files checked 37% done Checking GSRasterizer.cpp... 41/114 files checked 38% done Checking GSRenderer.cpp... 42/114 files checked 39% done Checking GSRendererCL.cpp... 43/114 files checked 41% done Checking GSRendererCS.cpp... 44/114 files checked 42% done Checking GSRendererDX.cpp... 45/114 files checked 43% done Checking GSRendererDX11.cpp... 46/114 files checked 43% done Checking GSRendererDX9.cpp... 47/114 files checked 43% done Checking GSRendererHW.cpp... 48/114 files checked 45% done Checking GSRendererNull.cpp... 49/114 files checked 45% done Checking GSRendererOGL.cpp... 50/114 files checked 45% done Checking GSRendererSW.cpp... 51/114 files checked 47% done Checking GSSetting.cpp... Checking GSSetting.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSSetting.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSSetting.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSSetting.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSSetting.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSSetting.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSSetting.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSSetting.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSSetting.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSSetting.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSSetting.cpp: __x86_64__... 52/114 files checked 47% done Checking GSSettingsDlg.cpp... 53/114 files checked 49% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.cpp... 54/114 files checked 49% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x64.avx.cpp... 55/114 files checked 49% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x64.cpp... 56/114 files checked 50% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x86.avx.cpp... 57/114 files checked 50% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x86.avx2.cpp... 58/114 files checked 50% done Checking GSSetupPrimCodeGenerator.x86.cpp... 59/114 files checked 51% done Checking GSShaderOGL.cpp... 60/114 files checked 51% done Checking GSState.cpp... 61/114 files checked 58% done Checking GSTables.cpp... Checking GSTables.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSTables.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTables.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSTables.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTables.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTables.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSTables.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSTables.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTables.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSTables.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSTables.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSTables.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSTables.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSTables.cpp: __x86_64__... 62/114 files checked 59% done Checking GSTexture.cpp... 63/114 files checked 59% done Checking GSTexture11.cpp... 64/114 files checked 59% done Checking GSTexture9.cpp... 65/114 files checked 59% done Checking GSTextureCache.cpp... 66/114 files checked 61% done Checking GSTextureCache11.cpp... 67/114 files checked 61% done Checking GSTextureCache9.cpp... 68/114 files checked 61% done Checking GSTextureCacheOGL.cpp... 69/114 files checked 61% done Checking GSTextureCacheSW.cpp... 70/114 files checked 62% done Checking GSTextureFX.cpp... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSTextureFX.cpp: __x86_64__... 71/114 files checked 62% done Checking GSTextureFX11.cpp... 72/114 files checked 62% done Checking GSTextureFX9.cpp... 73/114 files checked 63% done Checking GSTextureFXOGL.cpp... 74/114 files checked 63% done Checking GSTextureNull.cpp... 75/114 files checked 63% done Checking GSTextureOGL.cpp... 76/114 files checked 64% done Checking GSTextureSW.cpp... 77/114 files checked 64% done Checking GSThread.cpp... [GSThread.h:242]: (style) C-style pointer casting [GSThread.cpp:101]: (style) C-style pointer casting [GSThread.h:246]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSCondVar::operatorcondition_variable_any*' can be const. Checking GSThread.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSThread.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSThread.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSThread.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSThread.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSThread.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSThread.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSThread.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSThread.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSThread.cpp: _STD_THREAD_... [GSThread.cpp:71]: (warning) Member variable 'GSThread::t' is not initialized in the constructor. Checking GSThread.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSThread.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSThread.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSThread.cpp: __linux__... Checking GSThread.cpp: __x86_64__... 78/114 files checked 65% done Checking GSUtil.cpp... 79/114 files checked 65% done Checking GSVector.cpp... 80/114 files checked 66% done Checking GSVertexList.cpp... [GSVertexList.h:78]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSVertexList::GetAt' can be const. [GSVertexList.h:83]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSVertexList::GetCount' can be const. 81/114 files checked 66% done Checking GSVertexSW.cpp... 82/114 files checked 66% done Checking GSVertexTrace.cpp... 83/114 files checked 66% done Checking GSWnd.cpp... 84/114 files checked 67% done Checking GSWndDX.cpp... 85/114 files checked 67% done Checking GSWndEGL.cpp... 86/114 files checked 68% done Checking GSWndOGL.cpp... 87/114 files checked 68% done Checking GSWndWGL.cpp... 88/114 files checked 68% done Checking GSdx.cpp... [GSdx.cpp:127]: (performance) Variable 'm_ini' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. [GSdx.cpp:128]: (performance) Variable 'm_section' is assigned in constructor body. Consider performing initialization in initialization list. [GSdx.cpp:60] -> [GSdx.h:52]: (performance, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'GSdxApp::LoadResource' can be static. Checking GSdx.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking GSdx.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSdx.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking GSdx.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking GSdx.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking GSdx.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking GSdx.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking GSdx.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking GSdx.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking GSdx.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking GSdx.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking GSdx.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking GSdx.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking GSdx.cpp: __linux__... [GSdx.cpp:225]: (warning) scanf without field width limits can crash with huge input data. Checking GSdx.cpp: __x86_64__... 89/114 files checked 69% done Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/amextra.cpp: __strmif_h__... 90/114 files checked 69% done Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp... [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1677]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2013]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2145]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2217]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2926]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4632]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4681]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:844] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:850]: (performance) Variable 'hr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:885] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:891]: (performance) Variable 'hr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5035]: (style) The scope of the variable 'pSample' can be reduced. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5094]: (style) The scope of the variable 'pSample' can be reduced. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3169]: (warning) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_pNext' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3785] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1046]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CDynamicOutputPin::m_BlockState' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3786] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1037]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CDynamicOutputPin::m_hUnblockOutputPinEvent' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3176] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1217]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_lActual' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3178] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1211]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_dwFlags' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3180] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1215]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_dwTypeSpecificFlags' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3182] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1219]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_pAllocator' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/wxutil.h:519]: (style, inconclusive) Technically the member function 'QzCComPtr::operatorIPinConnection*' can be const. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:146]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:158]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:194]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:430]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:441]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:477]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:640]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:660]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:688]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1020]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1047]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1052]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1280]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1316]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1323]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1654]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1661]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1680]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1690]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1714]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1749]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1987]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1988]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2049]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2113]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2137]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2158]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2182]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2211]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2239]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2335]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2790]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2817]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2871]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2949]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3067]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3129]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3277]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3318]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3344]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3345]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3382]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3383]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3402]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3403]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3426]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3427]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3533]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3576]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4549]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4559]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4596]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4671]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4781]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4922]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4935]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4941]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5131]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5142]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5150]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5158]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:5174]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: UNICODE... [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3192]: (warning) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_pNext' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3809] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1046]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CDynamicOutputPin::m_BlockState' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3810] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1037]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CDynamicOutputPin::m_hUnblockOutputPinEvent' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3199] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1217]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_lActual' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3201] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1211]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_dwFlags' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3203] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1215]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_dwTypeSpecificFlags' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3205] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1219]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CMediaSample::m_pAllocator' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:102] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:69]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseMediaFilter::m_clsid' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:103] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:62]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseMediaFilter::m_State' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:332] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:159]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_clsid' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:333] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:156]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_State' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:337] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:163]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_pName' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:353] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:159]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_clsid' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:354] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:156]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_State' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:358] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:163]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseFilter::m_pName' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1455] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:338]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBasePin::m_pLock' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1456] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:335]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBasePin::m_pName' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1464] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:340]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBasePin::m_bCanReconnectWhenActive' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4452] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1432]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseAllocator::m_lSize' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4453] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1430]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseAllocator::m_lCount' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4456] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1428]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseAllocator::m_hSem' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4459] -> [baseclasses/amfilter.h:1444]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseAllocator::m_pNotify' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/amfilter.cpp: __strmif_h__... 91/114 files checked 77% done Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp... [baseclasses/amvideo.cpp:127]: (style) The scope of the variable 'pMediaSubtype' can be reduced. [baseclasses/amvideo.cpp:153]: (style) The scope of the variable 'pMediaSubtype' can be reduced. Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/amvideo.cpp: __strmif_h__... 92/114 files checked 77% done Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp... [baseclasses/combase.cpp:242] -> [baseclasses/combase.cpp:246]: (performance) Variable 'hr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [baseclasses/combase.cpp:138]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/combase.cpp:168]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/combase.cpp:183]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/combase.cpp:99] -> [baseclasses/combase.h:204]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CUnknown::m_pUnknown' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/combase.cpp:113] -> [baseclasses/combase.h:204]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CUnknown::m_pUnknown' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/combase.cpp: __strmif_h__... 93/114 files checked 77% done Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp... [baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp:1077]: (error) syntax error Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/ctlutil.cpp: __strmif_h__... 94/114 files checked 80% done Checking baseclasses/ddmm.cpp... 95/114 files checked 80% done Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/mtype.cpp: __strmif_h__... 96/114 files checked 81% done Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp... [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:185]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:274]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:730]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:54] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:105]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_bBatchExact' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:56] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:109]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_hSem' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:57] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:108]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_List' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:61] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:104]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_pInputPin' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:63] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:113]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_nBatched' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:69] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:132]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_hr' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:105]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:136]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:150]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:335]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:350]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:353]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:443]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:447]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:617]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:649]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:676]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:58] -> [baseclasses/outputq.h:103]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'COutputQueue::m_pPin' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/outputq.cpp: __strmif_h__... 97/114 files checked 82% done Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/pstream.cpp: __strmif_h__... 98/114 files checked 82% done Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp... [baseclasses/pullpin.cpp:19] -> [baseclasses/pullpin.h:38]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CPullPin::m_State' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/pullpin.cpp: __strmif_h__... 99/114 files checked 83% done Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: BREAK_ON_SEVERE_TIME_DELTA... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/refclock.cpp: __strmif_h__... 100/114 files checked 83% done Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp... [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1049]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1207]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:38] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:72]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseRenderer::m_pPosition' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:43] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:79]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseRenderer::m_pMediaSample' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:44] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:78]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseRenderer::m_dwAdvise' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:46] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:82]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseRenderer::m_pInputPin' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:49] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:88]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseRenderer::m_bInReceive' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1763] -> [baseclasses/renbase.h:282]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseVideoRenderer::m_bSupplierHandlingQuality' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1464]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1488]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2002]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: PERF... [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2543]: (style) Variable 'trFrame' is assigned a value that is never used. Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/renbase.cpp: __strmif_h__... 101/114 files checked 88% done Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp... [baseclasses/schedule.cpp:25] -> [baseclasses/dsschedule.h:104]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CAMSchedule::m_ev' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/schedule.cpp:152]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/schedule.cpp:186]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/schedule.cpp:212]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/schedule.cpp: __strmif_h__... 102/114 files checked 89% done Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/seekpt.cpp: __strmif_h__... 103/114 files checked 89% done Checking baseclasses/source.cpp... [baseclasses/source.cpp:131]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:201]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:395]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:400]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:404]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:424]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:437]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:445]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:449]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:489]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:501]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/source.cpp:516]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/source.cpp: __strmif_h__... 104/114 files checked 89% done Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp... [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:13]: (warning) Member variable 'CBaseStreamControl::m_pSink' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:22] -> [baseclasses/strmctl.h:31]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CBaseStreamControl::m_bIsFlushing' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:43]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:49]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:54]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:59]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:68]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:89]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:94]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:99]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:103]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:112]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:154]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:166]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:309]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:356]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:383]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/strmctl.cpp: __strmif_h__... 105/114 files checked 90% done Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp... [baseclasses/sysclock.cpp:64]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: FILTER_DLL... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/sysclock.cpp: __strmif_h__... 106/114 files checked 90% done Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp... [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:109]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:932] -> [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:938]: (performance) Variable 'hr' is reassigned a value before the old one has been used. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:146]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:343]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:587]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:801]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:825]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:837]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:996]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: PERF;UNICODE... [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:599]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:815]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:25] -> [baseclasses/transfrm.h:275]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CTransformFilter::m_bEOSDelivered' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/transfrm.cpp:27] -> [baseclasses/transfrm.h:276]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CTransformFilter::m_bSampleSkipped' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/transfrm.cpp: __strmif_h__... 107/114 files checked 91% done Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp... [baseclasses/transip.cpp:553]: (style) Variable 'lSourceSize' is assigned a value that is never used. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:554]: (style) Variable 'lDestSize' is assigned a value that is never used. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:664] -> [baseclasses/transip.h:46]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CTransInPlaceInputPin::m_pTIPFilter' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:443]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:445]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:462]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:464]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:605]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:667]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:689]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:725]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/transip.cpp:889]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: PERF;UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/transip.cpp: __strmif_h__... 108/114 files checked 93% done Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp... [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:14]: (warning) Member variable 'CVideoTransformFilter::m_nWaitForKey' is not initialized in the constructor. [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:18] -> [baseclasses/vtrans.h:103]: (style, inconclusive) Member variable 'CVideoTransformFilter::m_nKeyFramePeriod' is in the wrong place in the initializer list. [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:227]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:244]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:270]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/vtrans.cpp:276]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: VTRANSPERF... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/vtrans.cpp: __strmif_h__... 109/114 files checked 94% done Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp... [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:1046]: (style) The scope of the variable 'digit' can be reduced. Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: _DEBUG... [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:392]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:812]: (style) Boolean result is used in bitwise operation. Clarify expression with parentheses. Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp: __strmif_h__... 110/114 files checked 96% done Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp... [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:186]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:193]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:232]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:234]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:258]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:295]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:313]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:334]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:397]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:430]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:446]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:476]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:543]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:550]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:581]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:612]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:617]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:649]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:702]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:718]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:767]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:783]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:590]: (error) Memory leak: p [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:658]: (error) Memory leak: p Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/wxlist.cpp: __strmif_h__... 111/114 files checked 98% done Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp... [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:148]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:1058]: (warning) Redundant code: Found a statement that begins with numeric constant. Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: PERF... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: UNICODE... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: USE_LARGEINT... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: _MSC_VER... [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:151]: (style) C-style pointer casting [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:336]: (style) C-style pointer casting Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: _M_ALPHA... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: _OBJBASE_H_... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: _X86_... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: __FUNCTION__... Checking baseclasses/wxutil.cpp: __strmif_h__... 112/114 files checked 99% done Checking linux_replay.cpp... Checking linux_replay.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking linux_replay.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking linux_replay.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking linux_replay.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking linux_replay.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking linux_replay.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking linux_replay.cpp: XDG_STD... Checking linux_replay.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking linux_replay.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking linux_replay.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking linux_replay.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking linux_replay.cpp: __x86_64__... 113/114 files checked 99% done Checking stdafx.cpp... [stdafx.cpp:119]: (error) Memory leak: r Checking stdafx.cpp: ENABLE_GLES... Checking stdafx.cpp: ENABLE_GLES;_WINDOWS... Checking stdafx.cpp: ENABLE_OPENCL... Checking stdafx.cpp: ENABLE_VTUNE;_WINDOWS... Checking stdafx.cpp: GL_GLEXT_PROTOTYPES;_WINDOWS... Checking stdafx.cpp: HAVE_ALIGNED_MALLOC... Checking stdafx.cpp: _DEBUG... Checking stdafx.cpp: _DEBUG;_WINDOWS... Checking stdafx.cpp: _MSC_VER... Checking stdafx.cpp: _WINDOWS... Checking stdafx.cpp: __AVX2__;__GNUC__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __AVX__;__GNUC__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE2__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_1__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE4_2__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSE__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __GNUC__;__SSSE3__... Checking stdafx.cpp: __INTEL_COMPILER... Checking stdafx.cpp: __USE_ISOC11... Checking stdafx.cpp: __x86_64__... 114/114 files checked 100% done Checking usage of global functions.. [baseclasses/refclock.cpp:180]: (style) The function 'AdvisePeriodic' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3871]: (style) The function 'Block' is never used. [GSPerfMon.cpp:99]: (style) The function 'CPU' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4208]: (style) The function 'ChangeOutputFormat' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:275]: (style) The function 'CheckStreamState' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1017]: (style) The function 'Clone' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1648]: (style) The function 'Connect' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:439]: (style) The function 'CreateAudioMediaType' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:923]: (style) The function 'DbgDumpObjectRegister' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:1007]: (style) The function 'DbgLockTrace' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:613]: (style) The function 'DbgSetAutoRefreshLevels' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:599]: (style) The function 'DbgSetModuleLevel' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:992]: (style) The function 'DbgSetWaitTimeout' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:99]: (style) The function 'DbgTerminate' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:977]: (style) The function 'DbgWaitForMultipleObjects' is never used. [baseclasses/ddmm.cpp:67]: (style) The function 'DirectDrawCreateFromDevice' is never used. [baseclasses/ddmm.cpp:102]: (style) The function 'DirectDrawCreateFromDeviceEx' is never used. [baseclasses/wxdebug.cpp:1322]: (style) The function 'DumpGraph' is never used. [baseclasses/pullpin.cpp:160]: (style) The function 'Duration' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:654]: (style) The function 'FindPin' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:396]: (style) The function 'Flushing' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:1042]: (style) The function 'FreeBSTR' is never used. [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:206]: (style) The function 'GetCountI' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1006]: (style) The function 'GetCurrentSample' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4735]: (style) The function 'GetFreeCount' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:123]: (style) The function 'GetInfo' is never used. [GSdx.cpp:235]: (style) The function 'GetModuleHandlePtr' is never used. [baseclasses/schedule.cpp:71]: (style) The function 'GetNextAdviseTime' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:150]: (style) The function 'GetSampleSize' is never used. [baseclasses/amvideo.cpp:193]: (style) The function 'GetSubtypeName' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:191]: (style) The function 'GetSyncSource' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:824]: (style) The function 'IncrementPinVersion' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2283]: (style) The function 'IncrementTypeVersion' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:822]: (style) The function 'Int64x32Div32' is never used. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:768]: (style) The function 'IsIdle' is never used. [baseclasses/pstream.cpp:83]: (style) The function 'Load' is never used. [baseclasses/combase.cpp:73]: (style) The function 'LoadOLEAut32' is never used. [GSdx.cpp:60]: (style) The function 'LoadResource' is never used. [GSCrc.cpp:533]: (style) The function 'Lookup' is never used. [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:758]: (style) The function 'MoveToHead' is never used. [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:684]: (style) The function 'MoveToTail' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:344]: (style) The function 'NotifyFilterState' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2017]: (style) The function 'OnDirectRender' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1479]: (style) The function 'OnDisplayChange' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2190]: (style) The function 'QueryId' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:754]: (style) The function 'QueryVendorInfo' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:259]: (style) The function 'ReallocFormatBuffer' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:831]: (style) The function 'Register' is never used. [GSdx.cpp:198]: (style) The function 'ReloadConfig' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4862]: (style) The function 'Remove' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:207]: (style) The function 'ResetFormatBuffer' is never used. [baseclasses/refclock.cpp:115]: (style) The function 'Restart' is never used. [baseclasses/wxlist.cpp:813]: (style) The function 'Reverse' is never used. [GSLinuxDialog.cpp:156]: (style) The function 'RunLinuxDialog' is never used. [baseclasses/pstream.cpp:101]: (style) The function 'Save' is never used. [baseclasses/pullpin.cpp:136]: (style) The function 'Seek' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1421]: (style) The function 'SendNotifyWindow' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:1444]: (style) The function 'SendRepaint' is never used. [baseclasses/sysclock.cpp:71]: (style) The function 'SetClockDelta' is never used. [GSdx.cpp:240]: (style) The function 'SetConfigDir' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4145]: (style) The function 'SetConfigInfo' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:182]: (style) The function 'SetFormat' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:199]: (style) The function 'SetFormatType' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:4718]: (style) The function 'SetNotify' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:3303]: (style) The function 'SetPointer' is never used. [baseclasses/outputq.cpp:791]: (style) The function 'SetPopEvent' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:160]: (style) The function 'SetSampleSize' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:2332]: (style) The function 'SetSink' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:143]: (style) The function 'SetSubtype' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:177]: (style) The function 'SetTemporalCompression' is never used. [baseclasses/mtype.cpp:136]: (style) The function 'SetType' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:1125]: (style) The function 'Skip' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:81]: (style) The function 'StartAt' is never used. [baseclasses/strmctl.cpp:34]: (style) The function 'StopAt' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:263]: (style) The function 'StreamTime' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:1228]: (style) The function 'TimeKillSynchronousFlagAvailable' is never used. [baseclasses/amfilter.cpp:872]: (style) The function 'Unregister' is never used. [GSPerfMon.cpp:65]: (style) The function 'Update' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:83]: (style) The function 'WaitMsg' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:1034]: (style) The function 'WriteBSTR' is never used. [GLLoader.cpp:261]: (style) The function 'check_gl_supported_extension' is never used. [GLLoader.cpp:206]: (style) The function 'check_gl_version' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2645]: (style) The function 'get_AvgFrameRate' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2672]: (style) The function 'get_AvgSyncOffset' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2777]: (style) The function 'get_DevSyncOffset' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2633]: (style) The function 'get_FramesDrawn' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2621]: (style) The function 'get_FramesDroppedInRenderer' is never used. [baseclasses/renbase.cpp:2791]: (style) The function 'get_Jitter' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:452]: (style) The function 'lstrcmpiWInternal' is never used. [baseclasses/wxutil.cpp:593]: (style) The function 'memmoveInternal' is never used. (information) Cppcheck cannot find all the include files (use --check-config for details)