[ 0.1781] PCSX2 Nightly - v1.7.3651 Compiled on Nov 28 2022 [ 0.1836] Savestate version: 0x9a330000 [ 0.1844] [ 0.1848] Host Machine Init: [ 0.1850] Operating System = Microsoft Windows 10+ [ 0.1850] Physical RAM = 8150 MB [ 0.1931] CPU name = Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz [ 0.1931] Vendor/Model = GenuineIntel (stepping 07) [ 0.1931] CPU speed = 3.092 ghz (4 logical threads) [ 0.1931] x86PType = Standard OEM [ 0.1931] x86Flags = bfebfbff 1fbae3ff [ 0.1931] x86EFlags = 28100800 [ 0.1943] [ 0.1943] x86 Features Detected: [ 0.1945] SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2 AVX [ 0.1947] [ 0.1951] Reserving memory for recompilers... [ 0.2000] Fastmem area: 00000263E5400000 - 00000264E53FFFFF [ 0.8382] Scanning D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\Games (recursively) [ 1.4337] Current version: v1.7.3651 [ 1.4340] Latest SHA: v1.7.3651 [ 1.4342] Last Checked SHA: [ 1.4344] No update needed. [ 114.5801] Opening CDVD... [ 114.6049] isoFile open ok: D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\Games\GT4\NTSC\GT4.iso [ 114.6052] Image type = DVD [ 114.6286] isoFile: Invalid layer1 Primary Volume Descriptor [ 114.6290] * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown: [ 114.6291] * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2285136 sectors) [ 114.6474] Opening GS... [ 114.7839] Created a OpenGL context [ 114.8505] OpenGL Graphics Driver Info: [ 114.8510] OpenGL Context: [ 114.8510] 4.6.0 NVIDIA 526.98 [ 114.8510] NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 [ 114.8533] 1 program binary formats supported by driver [ 114.8542] Read 466 entries from 'D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\cache/gl_programs.idx' [ 114.8543] Using hardware for point expansion. Available VRAM/RAM:3840MB for textures GS Lookup CRC:00000000 [ 114.9031] Opening SPU2... [ 114.9042] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000... [ 114.9518] Opening PAD... [ 114.9520] Opening DEV9... [ 114.9572] Opening USB... [ 114.9574] Opening FW... [ 114.9582] McdSlot 0 [File]: D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\memcards\PCSX2 Nightly.ps2 [ 114.9588] McdSlot 1 [File]: [is not memcard file] [ 114.9614] EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset [ 115.0155] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=1.000000 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 115.2506] Bios Found: USA v01.60(07/02/2002) Console [ 115.2539] BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping... [ 115.2551] BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping... [ 115.2565] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=1.000000 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 115.2745] VM subsystems initialized in 704.28 ms [ 115.2748] [GameDB] Has not been initialized yet, initializing... [ 115.3280] [GameDB] 11359 games on record (loaded in 53.20ms) [ 115.3283] [GameDB] Searching for '' in GameDB [ 115.3289] [GameDB] Could not find '' in GameDB [ 115.3292] Applying settings... [ 115.3298] [Unsafe Settings] Texture filtering is not set to Bilinear (PS2). This will break rendering in some games. [ 115.3298] [Unsafe Settings] [ 115.3304] [Unsafe Settings] GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance. [ 115.3304] [Unsafe Settings] [ 115.3310] [GameDB] Searching for '' in GameDB [ 115.3312] [GameDB] Could not find '' in GameDB [ 115.3317] Processor count: 4 cores, 4 processors [ 115.3323] Cluster count: 1 [ 115.3327] Ordered processor list: 0, 1, 2, 3 GS Lookup CRC:00000000 [ 115.6348] (SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SCUS_973.28;1 [ 115.6357] (SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01 [ 115.6364] (SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC [ 115.6490] ELF (cdrom0:\SCUS_973.28;1) Game CRC = 0x33C6E35E, EntryPoint = 0x01000008 [ 115.6494] (SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SCUS_973.28;1 [ 115.6497] (SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01 [ 115.6500] (SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC [ 116.2500] Elf entry point @ 0x01000008 about to get recompiled. Load patches first. [ 116.2505] [GameDB] Searching for 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2510] [GameDB] Found 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2516] [GameDB] Searching for patch with CRC '33C6E35E' [ 116.2519] [GameDB] No CRC-specific patch or default patch found [ 116.2527] Overall 0 Cheats loaded [ 116.2536] [GameDB] Searching for 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2538] [GameDB] Found 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2542] Loading game settings from 'D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\gamesettings\SCUS-97328_33C6E35E.ini'... [ 116.2550] Loading input profile from 'D:\_____________Emulation\Sony - PS2\Nightly\inputprofiles\GT4 to Xbox Forza.ini'... [ 116.2556] Applying settings... [ 116.2564] [Unsafe Settings] Trilinear filtering is not set to automatic. This may break rendering in some games. [ 116.2564] [Unsafe Settings] [ 116.2569] [Unsafe Settings] GPU Palette Conversion is enabled, this may reduce performance. [ 116.2572] [GameDB] Searching for 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2574] [GameDB] Found 'scus-97328' in GameDB [ 116.2576] (GameDB) Changing VU0/VU1 clamp mode [mode=2] [ 116.2579] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: mipmap to [mode=2] [ 116.2583] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: trilinearFiltering to [mode=1] [ 116.2586] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: halfPixelOffset to [mode=1] [ 116.2589] Updating CPU configuration... [ 116.2761] Updating SPU2 configuration [ 116.2809] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000... [ 116.3082] Updating GS configuration... [ 116.3085] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=1.000000 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 116.3090] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=1.000000 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 116.3098] EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset GS Lookup CRC:00000000 [ 116.4076] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=59.939998hz Ratio=1.001001 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 116.4105] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48048... [ 116.4373] XAudio2 CreateSourceVoice failure: 88960001 [ 116.4401] Failed to init SPU2 at adjusted sample rate 48048, trying console rate. [ 116.4656] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC. [ 116.5932] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=59.939998hz Ratio=1.001001 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 117.1937] (VMManager) Pausing... [ 122.2966] (VMManager) Resuming... [ 126.1312] XInput controller 0 connected. [ 126.2441] (SDLInputSource) Controller 0 inserted [ 126.2499] (SDLInputSource) Opened controller 0 (instance id 0, player id 0): Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows) [ 126.2501] (SDLInputSource) Rumble is supported on 'Controller (XBOX 360 For Windows)' via gamecontroller [ 129.0308] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=59.939998hz Ratio=1.001001 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 132.1981] Vsync is OFF [ 138.9583] Refresh rate: Host=60.000000hz Guest=59.939998hz Ratio=1.001001 - can sync and using sleep for pacing [ 138.9610] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48048... [ 138.9890] XAudio2 CreateSourceVoice failure: 88960001 [ 138.9918] Failed to init SPU2 at adjusted sample rate 48048, trying console rate. [ 139.0164] Vsync is OFF [ 140.8125] (VMManager) Pausing... [ 141.6255] (VMManager) Resuming... [ 142.6455] (VMManager) Pausing... [ 143.4526] (VMManager) Resuming... [ 145.8047] (VMManager) Pausing...