master code EC8792D8 1456E79B Alt. (M) EC878214 14301BC0 Gear MAX 1C21E9A4 17E9C70C X-button dash for men 9C811EEC 20552533 X button dash (for female) 9C811EFC 20552533 Enemy not showing 0C29C0B0 1456E6A5 1C90AC30 3854E7A5 0C29C0B0 1456DFA5 1C90AC30 3094E7A6 SELECT=ON START=OFF Main character status MAX 1C21F348 61DFB00C 4c21f34c 1456b00c Skill & Soul 9999 1C21F35C 1456089C 1C21F360 1456089C Spirit Power MAX 4C21F340 1456089C 4C21F33E 1456089C 4C21F344 1456089C 4C21F342 1456089C All souls mastered 3C21F34A 1456E70C 3C21F34B 1456E70C 3C21F350 1456E70C 3C21F351 1456E70C 3C21F34E 1456E70C 3C21F34F 1456E70C All skills learned 1C21F364 61DFB00C 1C21F368 61DFB00C 3C21F36C 1456E70C Acquire double blade only 3C21F369 1456E70C Obtain all souls (and friends) 1C90FD08 105811F3 Fame value is maxed out when the request is completed 1C8FE318 3854E70C Weapon attribute change (encryption required) 00b6706e 000000xx 00b6706f 000000yy Armor attribute change (encryption required) 00B670AA 000000XX 00B670AB 000000YY XX : If pattern 1, XX in this line is unchanged. 02: Wind, 03: Holy pattern 2 00: Fire, 01: Earth, 02: Darkness EC (also unmarked. For reference.) +80 Attribute pattern 2 and 01: Special effect Sleeping stone system 02: Special effect Yami Rangen system 03: Special effect Poison curse system 04: Special effect 1st stage 08: Special effect 2nd stage 0C: Special effect 3rd stage 10-70: EC + 1st accessory (with +1Eh 2nd accessory (encryption required) 00B670C6 000000xx ability value increase 00B670C8 000000xx special effects 00B670C9 000000YY attributes (here see above) ability value increase (e.g. 18 + 03 = 1B to xx for MIN+20 +08 : Ability score +5 +10: Ability score +10 +18: Ability score +20 00: STR 01: VIT 02: INT 03: MIN 04: AGL 05: DEX special effect +80 00 to attribute pattern 2 : None 01 : Experience value change 02 : Skill point change 03 : Acquisition gear change 04 : Change system 1.5x 08 : Change system 0.5x 0C : Change system 0.0x 10 : Enemy attribute attack halved 20 : Enemy attribute attack nullification 30: Attribute attack x1.5 Friendship value for all 1C8DB410 105393A1 1C9AF338 3854E7xx 1C9AF33C 15F6E79D 1C9AF340 B4D4E711 xx=Nemo's rating A5=Enemies 87=Just acquaintances 96=Less than friends ) Post-battle Lv99 1CC0C380 205AE7B5 Post-battle Spirit Power Lv10 1CB80250 38590939 Experience gained after battle x times 1CC0C380 14450xxx Value of xxx 765=x2 725=x4 7E5=x8 6A5= x16 665=x32 625=x64 6E5 =x75 6E5 = x78 8 562 =1/2 728=1/4 7E8=1/8 6A8=1/16 Skill points acquired after battle x times 1CC0C384 1446Fxxx xxx value F65=x2 F25=x4 FE5=x8 EA5=x16Sprite points earned after battle x times 1CB80250 1458Fxxx Value of xxxF65=x2 F25=x4 FE5=x8 EA5=x16Items you have 99 1C8FFFD4 3858E788 Consumable items 99 of all types 1C8FE9C0 3A99E7A6 1C8FE9C8 3858E788 All movies can be viewed (Exploder not available?) 1C8161C8 3854E7A6 ED can be viewed 9C828F7C 1456E7A5 9C828F94 3853E7A6 9C8C8200 0456E7A1 Move to cat house 0C29C0B0 1454EBA7 1C8FE0DC 3854E79C 0C29C0B0 1454EB9D 1C8FE0DC 84D4EB65 R3+R2=ON, R3+R1=OFF Effective when moving to the map screen No days passed 0C29C0B0 1456E721 1C906238 38B9E7A5 0C29C0B0 1456E761 1C906238 38B9E7A6 L1+□=ON, L1+×=OFF Fall into the illusion of having a lot of items when selling 1CB6FA8C 2C74E7A5 The Seoul point : Brave 99 3C21F354 1456E788 Kind 99 3C21F355 1456E788 Search 99 3C21F352 1456E788 Belief 99 3C21F353 1456E788 Wild 99 3C21F358 1456E788 Cool 99 3C21F359 1456E788 Either one one code is turned off, Usually, sort consuming the point, when it makes raise It can procure also Seoul of the code which it has turned on The Seoul modification 4C21F356 1456E7XX A6: Blue Flare A7: Glow Fighter A8 : Arc Sword A1: Rune Fighter A2: Mighty Blow A3: Rowful Blade A4: Warlock 9D: Nirvana 9E: Agastia 9F: Bow Gunner A0: Alvarest 99: Trickster 9A: Gremory 9B: Luna Shadow 9C: Cleric B5: Patriarch B6: Negavanitia B7: Chrome Heart B8: Amducias B1: Funny Face B2: Greytails B3: White Fang B4: Black Viper AD: Shining Leo AE: Xaxax AF: Raigiroa B0 : Manon A9: Noxa AA: Arialo AB: Stora AC: Infinity C5: Ulug Maximum money in possession 1C8FE060 3854B00C 1C8FE064 B0D4EB59 Experience gained after battle Value x times (display also changes) 1CC0C380 14450xxx xxx= 765 = 2 times 725 = 4 times 7E5 = 8 times 6A5 = 16 times Acquired skill points after battle x times (display also changes) 1CC0C384 1446Fxxx xxx= F65 = 2x F25 = 4x FE5 = 8x EA5 = 16x Gained spirit points after battle xx (display does not change) 1CB80250 1458Fxxx xxx= F65 = 2x F25 = 4x FE5 = 8x EA5 =16x Soul Points xx 1CB6EC94 3859E7xx xx= A7=2x A8=3x 9F=10x Items you have x 1C8FFFD4 3858E7xx xx= D7=50 88=99Consumable items x x 1C8FE9C0 3A99E7A6 1C8FE9C8 3858E7xx xx= You can watch all the same movies as x items you have 1C8161C8 3854E7A6 or less Effective when status is checked Maximum HPx 1C9AF328 15F6E79D 1C9AF32C B8D4E7FF 1CB8B4C0 0C5393A5 1CB8B4C4 3854xxxx xxxx= E4FD=1000 089C=9999(max) Maximum MPx 1C9AF330 15F6E79D 1C9AF334 B8D4E7FB 1CB8B7E0 0C5393A7 1CB8B7E4 3854xxxx xxxx= E781=100 E404=999(max) STR to DEXx 1CB8A93C 3854E7xx 1CB8A940 15F6E79D 1CB8A944 B474E7A5 xx= (in.) D7=50 0C=255 (maximum) Skill Point x 1C90F0FC 2854xxxx xxxx= E404=999 B00C=65535 (maximum) Soul Points x 1C900144 3854xxxxxx xxxx= E788=99 E404=999 Brave~Coolx 1C90FA3C 3854E7xx 1C90FA40 15F6E79D 1C90FA44 B4D4E7A1 xx= 87=98 99が最大ですがIf you set it to 99 with this code, you will have learned Soul. 1CB6CAAC 1444Fxxx xxx= F65 = 2x F25 = 4x FE5 = 8x EA5 = 16x Maximum HP maintained 0C29C0B0 1456E7B6 1CB8B400 0C4E22A9 0C29C0B0 1456E766 1CB8B400 15F6E79D L2+△=ON,L2+×=OFF MP Maximum Maintained 1CB8B720 0C4E2285 Enemy out 0C29C0B0 1456E6A5 1C90AC30 3854E7A5 0C29C0B0 1456DFA5 1C90AC30 3094E7A6 SELECT=ON, START=OFF Not sure what will happen to events, bosses, etc. I think it's dangerous 1C8B88C4 3854E7xx xx= Enemies corresponding to Lv A6 = Lv1-3 A7=Lv4-6 A8=Lv7-9 A1=Lv10-12 A2=Lv13-15 A3 = Level 16-18 A4=Lv19~21 9D=Lv22~24 9E=Lv25~27 9F=Lv28~30 A0=Lv31~33 99=Lv34~36 9A=Lv37~39 9B=Lv40~42 9C=Lv43~99 Lv43 and above types変わらない筈です マップ移動(PAR専用) DC958928 14A0F01D 8C21E998 1456E7A8 3C9AF348 1456E7A5 0C29C0B0 1454EBA7 1C21E998 144FE09C DC958730 14A0F01D 8C9AF348 1456E7A8 3C21E998 1456E7A5 L3+R3=現在地を記録(マップに出る前に押して下さい) R3+R2を押しながらマップ画面0C29C0B0 1454EBA7 1C8FE0DC 3854E79C 0C29C0B0 1454EB9D 1C8FE0DC 84D4EB65 R3+R2 =ON,R3+R1=OFF Activates when moving to the map screen If you do not operate ON and OFF before appearing on the map, you will not be able to operate it. Please turn it OFF immediately after entering the cat house after moving .中にイベントが発生することがあるため多用しない方がいいかと思います日数経過無し0C29C0B0 1456E721 1C906238 38B9E7A5 0C29C0B0 1456E761 1C906238 38B9E7A6 L1+□=ON,L1+×=OFF武器・鎧属性変更1C9AF358 204EE74B 1C9AF35C 874EF01D 1C9AF360 234DE6A5 1C9AF364 C336E7A6 1C9AF368 38DAE7C9 1C9AF36C 234DE7A7 1C9AF370 0336E7A8 1C9AF374 88CEE763 1C9AF378 234EB38C 1C9AF37C 274EExxx 1C9AF380 15F6E79D 1C9AF384 B8CEE763 1C900140 0C539399 R2とSELECTを押しながらソウル振り分け画面を確認で武器属性変更R2を押しながらソウル振り分け画面を確認で鎧属性変更 Allies should press L1 or R1 to see the sorting screen for = 7A5=None 725=Fire 6A5=Water 625=Sat 5A5=Wind 525=Dark 4A5=Sacred Attribute change for confirmed equipment 1C9AF3C8 234EB38C 1C9AF3CC 274EExxx 1C9AF3D0 B8CEE7AF 1C9AF3D4 0C59A8C1 1C9AF3D8 135607C6 1CB810A4 105393BD 1CB810A8 88CEE7AF xxx= 7A5=無 725=火 6A5=水 625=土 5A5=風 525=闇 4A5=聖 確認した装備品のECLv変更 1C9AF3B8 24DAB01C 1C9AF3BC 28DAE7xx 1C9AF3C0 0C59A8C1 1C9AF3C4 BA5AE7AF 1CB81124 105393C1 xx= A5=1 B5=2 C5=3 D5=4 65=5 75=6 85=7 95=8Confirmed equipment strength changes 1C9AF3E8 24CEB0E4 1C9AF3EC 274EE7xx 1C9AF3F0 0C59A8C1 1C9AF3F4 BA4EE7AD 1CB80F38 105393D5 xx= 9D=1 B5=2 AD=3 C5=4 BD=5 D5= 6 Weaponsのタイプ変更 1C9AF3F8 2054E74B 1C9AF3FC 8894F01D 1C9AF300 2494E7A6 1C9AF304 0496E7A3 1C9AF308 8A54E7AD 1C9AF30C 248EE4E5 1C9AF310 2F4EE6E5 1C9AF314 0356E7A8 1C9AF318 2494B3CC 1C9AF31C 2894Exxx 1C9AF320 BA54E7AD 1C9AF324 0C4E4655 1CB80C24 105393D1 xxx= 7A5=ソード 765=グレートソード 725=槍 7E5=Axe 6A5=Shortsword 665=Bow 625 = If you check the equipment while pressing knuckle L2, if you switch to a valid sword or a short sword, it will become a dual wield weapon regardless of the combination . 204BE79C 1C9AF238 93723671 1C9AF23C 23D2E79F 1C9AF240 07D6E79F 1C9AF248 0496E79F 1C9AF24C 234DE79D 1C9AF250 0336E7A7 1C9AF254 864CE7B2 1C9AF258 378CE7A6 1C9AF25C 234DE7A7 1C9AF260 C736E7A6 1C9AF264 378CB00C 1C9AF268 B64CE7B2 1C9AF26C 2352E79F 1C9AF270 B3723671 1C9AF274 15F6E79D 1C9AF278 DDA6B015 1CB80E90 1456E7A5 1CB80E98 0C539366 You can check by pressing the ○ button after pressing the buttons on the ability value screen.In other situations, do not operate the code.Once you can check the effect, stop using the code. Please change without dual wielding R1 = +1, R2 = -1 The value of the graphic is displayed on the current HP 1CB8B404 84D4E782 This is easy to see, so please use it together when changing the graphic 0 is entered Friendship value of all 1C8DB410 105393A1 1C9AF338 3854E7xx 1C9AF33C 15F6E79D 1C9AF340 B4D4E711 xx=Nemo's rating A5=Enemies 87=Just acquaintances 96=Less than friends 44=…Hot 0C=The strongest Excited (maximum) It may be related to the ending, so it may be better not to raise it to the maximum . 1CB8B5B4 3854E7A6 If you call it once and return it to the reserve, it will be reflected in the save, but there may be problems with events etc. You can't hear Nemo's evaluation just by making friends with this code . So, just in case, if you remove it while holding down START, it will be removed from the party 1CB8B540 2894E765 0C29C0B0 1456DFA5 1CB8B540 2494B04C If you remove it from the party, it will disappear. 1C9AF39C 04AEE7A8 1C9AF3A0 3854E7A4 1C9AF3A4 384EE7A1 1C9AF3A8 C4AEE7A6 1C9AF3AC B4D4E7A1 1C9AF3B0 15F6E79D 1C9AF3B4 94D4E7A1 1C90FA3C 0C53