60 fps codes
@Gworzor, no luck with Killer7

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Amount of testing: Little

Tak: The Great Juju Challenge SLUS-21218 0x4B06117D
60 fps
2059C298 00000001
This code can be found by looking for 00000001 during the FMVs and 00000002 during gameplay.

asasega, if you're ok with more requests, there were still a few more titles I was interested in, although these ones might just run at double speed if the codes are found.
The games are Disaster Report, Raw Danger, Michigan, Dokapon Kingdom, Sonic R in Sonic Gems Collection and Ghosthunter.
Amount of testing: Little

Ghosthunter SLUS-20993 0x29C7DA54
60 fps
2056A1F0 00000001
Amount of testing: Little
Notes: probably not everything is fixed, need feedback with savestates in problematic spots

Disaster Report SLUS-20561 0x7D7D4D9D
60 fps
203DFECC 00000001 //fps
2034C748 42700000 //pl anim speed
20102830 3C023F00 //traverse speed
Amount of testing: Little
Notes: probably not everything is fixed, need feedback with savestates in problematic spots

Raw Danger! SLUS-21501 0x2905C5C6
60 fps
20700A3C 00000001 //fps
2048DC74 42700000 //anim speed
203A9A40 3F000000 //traverse pl
203A9A50 3F000000 //traverse npc
203AA1E4 3F000000 //traverse both
Amount of testing: Little
Notes: everything is double speed

Dokapon Kingdom SLUS-21778 0xCDE9832D
60 fps
2066DA60 00000000
Amount of testing: Little
Notes: everything is double speed

Michigan SLPM-65480 0xB2B71761
60 fps
2028E890 00000001
Amount of testing: Little
Notes: everything is double speed

Sonic Gems Collection SLES-53350 0x4A198252
Sonic R
60 fps
D0192520 00000002
20192520 28420001
Thank you very much.
(03-06-2017, 10:38 AM)asasega Wrote: @El_Patas
00284D7C lw v1, 0x3B8 (s0), this is ok.
but 00284D7C is an address, we don't modify addresses but values of addresses. This address has this intruction lw v1, 0x3B8 (s0) which in hex is 8E0303B8.
This intruction loads the value from 2039BAF8 which determines the framerate.
So now we must find the same instruction in PAL elf. For this we must create a pattern. I included a screenshot for easier understanding.
You can right click the address 002847DC and click "Go to in Memory view". When we choose to make a pattern it is good to choose instructions which do not deal with addresses, because addresses can vary between different regions of a game. So I choose the three instructions starting from 00284D84.
The pattern is 2d 20 40 00 1e 00 02 24 23 20 44 00 marked with red in the screenshot. Now you just search for this pattern in the PAl elf. You can use PS2Dis which is a mips disassembler or a hexeditor whichever you prefer. It is possible that you will find more then one occurence of the pattern, you have to look carefully so that the instructions nearby looks the same. I managed to obtain the PAL elf and I included a screenshot for you. Notice that instructions with addresses would have been no good, because in the PAL elf the values are different, remember this when you make patterns.
After you find your instruction, during gameplay set a execute breakpoint for this instruction, in our case is address 00284c44 lw v1, $03b8(s0). Now when you the execution breaks you take the value of the s0 register from the left pane with the registers and add to it 3B8, then you will have the address in the PAL version.

When i made the execute breakpoint in the PAL version of the game, in the s0 register from the left panel appear the address of 0039B140, (check the screenshot).
Then i added 3B8 to 0039B140.

Is needed add 3B8 because in the instruction appears the 3B8 like "lw v1, 0x3B8 (s0)", for others games i suppose this 3B8 can be a different number right?

Then adding 3B8 to 0039B140 the result is 0039B4F8.
Then the ported code to the PAL version is:

MotorStorm Arctic Edge SCES-55573 0x3C967DB9
60 fps
2039B4F8 00000000

This is correct?

Best regards.

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