Final Fantasy X Editor (v2.0.3)
So this means, that the equipment for the characters will get reset too, right? That's not cool at all, because I played quite a lot until I realized this bug.

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(02-08-2010, 11:20 PM)bmate Wrote: So this means, that the equipment for the characters will get reset too, right? That's not cool at all, because I played quite a lot until I realized this bug.

Yes, all equipment will be completely overwritten when you import new equipment with FFXED. You could try importing from a save that already has decent equipment. Also you can copy individual pieces of equipment over with FFXED.

Copying an individual piece of equipment works like this:

1. Make a copy of your save from before you reset the equipment.
2. Open the save in FFXED.
3. Go to the equipment you want to copy and press the Copy button.
4. Open the save with the reset equipment.
5. Go to the slot you want and press the Paste button.
alright, k thx for the help
would this work for ffx international?
[Image: 1561045.png]
(02-09-2010, 07:24 PM)RapboY Wrote: would this work for ffx international?

It should, but don't use it until the author fixes it. It can permanently delete your aeons' equipment and crash the game.

Use my editor instead. It does all the same things (and more) that this one does but does not have major glitches.
Update v1.06:
- aeon (+seymour) weapons are now recognized
- fixed window bug with sizes (mentioned HERE)

this update should fix problems
cheers...nice job

edit: sorry to report, but every aeon up until Bahamut(with it currently being the last one which is summonable) now does 9999 damage with their overdrive, and the equipment is fine now. I'm beginning to wonder if this is really a bug Tongue
you mean you cannot summon any aeon ?
check if aeon weapons have "Break Damage Limit"
no no...I meant that up until the point where Bahamut is the last aeon on the summon list, i.e. it is your latest aeon.

so Valefor, Ifrit, Ixion and Shiva now have a damage of 9999 when doing their overdrives, Bahamuts' over 8000 too, but I don't think thats a bug.
make sure aeon weapons have "Break Damage Limit" in one of their slots and that these weapons are equipped to the correct aeon

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