Is there any particular information about recording in...
1080p in the built in recorder?

I set a different harddrive as the destination for the video files, Recording gets me about 20 fps recording but i manage. however when i try to view the actual video in Vlc/MEdia player the video lags in that too.

Even in movie maker the video doesn't act like it should.

Is there a faq anywhere that explains perfect info on high def recording?
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I personally use Bandicam, just be aware that any HD recording is going to take a pretty hefty toll on your entire system. I have a hex core at 4.4ghz and I get slow downs just recording in 720p and x264 set to real time recording.
Your 1080p movie lags after recording cause full hd uncompressed movie is way too big for normal hdd's to menage it and so it lags;]. If you encode it later or choose your preferred encoder during the recording(the list depend on what encoders you install in your system;p), it'll run just fine at full fps.
x264vfw is pretty damn good encoder for use with gsdx, with a silly hack to record only second frame it's also pretty light.;3

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