XInput Wrapper for DS3 and USB Dual DS2 Controller
Thank you for your support ya'll.

I do appreciate it. I do remember reading about that issue, but this thread is so spread out it was hard to track down the appropriate response.

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(10-13-2014, 08:16 PM)Blyss Sarania Wrote: I'm currently using [...] MiJ


Blyss uses MotionJoy???

Now the world can as well end... I have seen everything.
(07-08-2014, 05:37 AM)yurichandra Wrote: Hello guys,

i have a problem.. yesterday, i was try to install DS3 Controller on my PC with SCP DS3. After i downloaded the driver, i started to install the DS3.
A few seconds later, my PC got Stuck. My cursor wont move, i pressed CTRL + ALT + Del but still wont working. So, i restarted my computer. After that, i tried to plug my DS3 controller to PC. But, my DS3 Controller not working. The lights was illuminated. i also tried to reset the DS3 controller, but still not working. i have a asking in a few forum in my country, but they didnt know anything to solve that problem.

who know how to fix this problem? am i doing something wrong?
please help. i am frustated


(07-28-2014, 09:50 AM)radiomean Wrote: HELP !!

Please can someone advise me how to REMOVE these drivers (the ScpService etc) because whenever I plug in my PS3 controller my sysyem freezes and needs to be hard rebooted.

Windows 7 ultimate, up to date.

Many thanks!

I had a reproduction of this, USB host seemed to hang - Not sure whether an overcurrent event occured or what, but following this the next boot reported no keyboard connected, and i had to pull its cable and plug it back in.

as to your question, you run scpdriver again and choose uninstall.
(04-25-2014, 06:52 AM)Scarlet.Crush Wrote: From what I've read on the Steam Forums - the controller detection/enumeration method used by Dark Souls 1/2 doesn't seem to be very robust.

It seems like it gives preference to non-XInput devices. One post on Steam said that disconnecting a WebCam allowed his X360 wired controller to be usable in Dark Souls 2.

At a guess, you have a device installed which they are giving preference to over XInput. In DS1 this was probably masked out by the compatibility mode used by X360ce, but requires a different setting for DS2. [or combination of X360ce/DsFix was doing this]

I have no issues using a DS3 or DS4 with Dark Souls 1, and I don't use x360ce or DsFix.

(04-25-2014, 05:53 AM)Scarlet.Crush Wrote: Just installed Dark Souls 2 from Steam, no problems using a DS3 or DS4 with it. Started up with both connected, then switched between them using the promote button on ScpMonitor.

From the forums, it does sound like there are issues if you have non-XInput controllers connected. Same as Dark Souls 1.

hmmmm, should be able to use our dinput redirector in that case to force it to init the xinput devices.
Created an account just to ask this.

I have zero problems using my DS3 as an Xinput device, but when using the provided plugin with PCSX2 exiting the configuration screen crashes PCSX2. Figuring that I was forgetting the Xinput dll, I copied that over to the root directory and all that did was completely stop PCSX2 from launching.

Any help is appreciated, thanks.
(10-12-2014, 04:57 AM)Wroth Wrote: Is this project dead? I works but I still have to restart the service to fully "unplug" my DS3 from the system, otherwise windows thinks it's still attached. BTW, if anyone wants any easy way to do that I just put this in a batch file:
net stop Ds3Service
net start Ds3Service

I noticed this as well. For the longest time I was always wondering why the virtual controller stuck around. Restarting the service does work around it. Any permanent fix in sight?
The controller hanging around has been there for ages, Don't think it actually affects anything though unless you are using another controller which isnt connected through scp
I had an android emulator that picked up controllers and kept a yellow dot on it due to that. >.<

Also some games will pickup on the 360 controller and change control references accordingly when viewed in game. I actually know why it happens. It seems to be related to the reserved bit that it keeps around.
Hi ! well I am experiencing a problem with SCD : I followed the instructions and installed it on my windows 7 system, it works well with USB but I really want to use my controller wirelessly. even though my bluetooth dongle seems to be working fine it doesn't pick the controller's signal when I unplug the usb cable as you can see in the following image :

[Image: Sans_titre_2.jpg]

can someone please help me ? Sad I've been stuck trying to fix this for weeks !)
(10-16-2014, 08:56 PM)PsychoShino Wrote: Hi ! well I am experiencing a problem with SCD : I followed the instructions and installed it on my windows 7 system, it works well with USB but I really want to use my controller wirelessly. even though my bluetooth dongle seems to be working fine it doesn't pick the controller's signal when I unplug the usb cable as you can see in the following image :

[Image: Sans_titre_2.jpg]

can someone please help me ? Sad I've been stuck trying to fix this for weeks !)

Same issue for me guys! My system is Windows 8.1 x64...the only difference with respect to PsychoShino...

Just let me know if I can provide a log to understand which could be the issue...

@karasuhebi, I saw all your tutorials (the "zip approach" was amazing!), but nothing is addressing this you have any idea?

Looking forward for your kind help!

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