[macOS] P.R.O.M. - PCSX2 Running on Mac (64-bit & Now runs on Catalina!)
Hello everyone. I apologies for lack of updates in this thread. I updated on GitHub months back that this project is currently on the hiatus. I get my MacBook back, so I will get around to working on it again soon. I will update this thread next time I get the chance to do so.

However, I can't guarantee the stability of PROM as there still can be issues and slowdowns. I also should recommend this link as recommended by @jesalvein a while back.

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Just a note for anyone still trying this: I managed to basically get it to work on Catalina (8 core i9, 2020 MacBook Pro), but the Native Build firelad97 links to DOES seem to fully work for the most part and is generally more robust with the 64-bit only operating systems. It does take a bit of fiddling with settings to get it to work, but it does.

This comment is aimed at the people doing what I did a few days ago and just endlessly Googling 'play PS2 games on Mac' and hoping for the best - if I'd seen this first, I would have known where to go!

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