problem in Motostorm Arctic Edge
Everything looks almost good I get ~42fps. But when playing after 1-3minutes game frozes and I get this in console.
[Image: arctic.gif]

Can somebody help me ? Tongue

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Pc specs (Operating system, CPU and speed, and video card), PCSX2 version, and what plugins and settings are you using?
Windows 7
E7200 2,53Ghz
2GB Ram
Ati radeon HD 4670
PCSX beta r18888 -Sep 20.

[Image: settings3.gif]
[Image: settings2.gif]
[Image: settings.gif]
Try the stable PCSX2 0.9.6 also and without speedhacks but I doubt speedhacks will help, maybe try different plugins like ZZOgl and ZeroGS.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
with PCSX2 0.9.6 game doesn't work at all. Just black screen from the start. And with ZeroGS I get the same " GS does not terminate"
Use microvu
Everything looked perfect but suddenly game frozes console shows this but that lines with "MicroVU: Cached....." was written before the game crash, when I was racing about 1-2min

[Image: error3.gif]

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