24 - the game
well if it really is THAT, i have another option:

ASUS Commando
E8200 @ 3.2 ghz
4 gb ddr2 800 mhz
win vista home prem

and yes, i kind of am an asus fetishist Cool
but i want to take that only as a last option

no, i didn't have the chance to test other games, yet

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hmm if its still lagging.. not sure what you can do, it must be doing something really heavy on the EE thread... i guess you can enable the recommended speedhacks (dont bother with the sliders, they are just giving you false fps and not actually doing anything) and try setting the EE/VU clamps to "none" make sure you are using MicroVU for both and try ticking the "EE Timing Fix" gamefix, it shouldnt change anything but makes a lot of internals stuff wait less ;p
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

ee and vu clamping set to none
both VUs set on micro recomp (already was)
mvu flag hack
and two out of three of the other hacks (the 1 i didnt check was the fast cd dvd thingy)

sorry runnin it in german

ee timing hack

fps around 20 low level areas its 40
ee 100
gs 20
vu 12

so that doesnt really change anything Unsure
Wow something is really busy lol
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

theres no solution to that, is there?
Not that i can think of.. all i can suggest trying is changing the EE rounding modes and see if any are quicker, it could be getting in some sort of wierd loop due to a round error.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

it feels like nearest rounding mod gives back most
on low level areas nearly 50 fps - feels playable
but it still drops to 25 in normal areas
i also fooled around with clamping a little:
looks like normal clamping works better than none
I have same problem, low fps when starting first mission.

I have tried all the solutions.

My settings are:

EmotionEngine Recompiler

IOP Recompiler

EE/FPU Chop / Zero

Clamping mode: Normal

VU0 microVU Recompiler

VU1 microVU Recompiler

VU0 / VU1 Advanced Recompiler Options / Chop Zero

Clamping Mode: None

Framelimiter: Disabled

Fram Skipping: Disabled

GS Window: Standard 4:3: 640 x 480

Zoom 100.0

Hide winddow when paused: Marked

Double-click toggles fullscreen mode: Marked


mVU Flag Hack

EE Cyclerate 2

VU Cycle Stealing 1

Why this is not working good. My PC is really fast too.

I want play this game so bad, you can't even imagine... Help please.. What I need to make this work smoothly.

Computer specs:

- Intel Core I5-2500K CPU @ 3.30Ghz
- 4.0GB RAM
- AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series
- Win 7

That's all for now.

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