An orientation through some of the PCSX2 BIOS & memcard tools (Windows).
PCSX2 BIOS & memcard tools (Windows) - 191028. Ninja

SwapMagic Coder
Current version: 3.8
Official Website (closed).

Commercial application for booting "PS2 BIOS Dumper" & "uLaunchELF"
 on a console through a USB flash-stick.

Note1: At least for PS2 slim, "Tool kit" is not needed; no tampering with the console is required.
Note2: Get the right region version.

PS2 BIOS Dumper
Current version: 2.0
Download: "".

This program dumps the BIOS of a PlayStation®2 console.

To use this program:
 1 Move\copy "PS2DUMPER.ELF" to a folder named "SWAPMAGIC".
 2 Rename the "PS2DUMPER.ELF" file to "SWAPMAGIC.ELF".
 3 Move\copy the folder to a FAT32 formated USB flash-stick.
-   USB flash-sticks usually are pre-formated in FAT32.
 4 Boot the console with the "Swapmagic Coder" disc.
 5 Insert the USB flash-stick.
 6 Reset the console by dubble-pressing the on\off button on the console
-    (not through the SwapMagic menu).

Optionally: Put the created files in a folder on the computer.
Add the "7ZA.exe" file.
Run the ".bat" file, and a new file with the ".P2b" suffix is created.
Add the "_" character plus the serial number of the console to the filename.
The ".P2b" format never made it into PCSX2 though; it's not supported.

To use the BIOS, rename the files to:
On newer consoles "EROM" & "ROM2" are missing since they are unused,
 and "ROM1" is only required for using the PS2's LD-player,
 which is something PCSX2 can point out with a message.

uLE - uLaunchELF
Current version: 4.42d
Download: "".
Forum: "".
uLE Documentation: "".
uLE Wiki: "".

This program can copy files between the storage mediums of a PS2,
 which includes copying the contents of the "Magic Gate" memory card
 to a USB flash-stick and vice versa.

To use this program:
 1 Move\copy the "BOOT.ELF" to a folder named "SWAPMAGIC".
 2 Rename the "BOOT.ELF" file to "SWAPMAGIC.ELF".
 3 Move\copy the "SWAPMAGIC.CNF" file to the "SWAPMAGIC" folder.
 4 Move\copy the folder to a FAT32 formated USB flash-stick.
-   USB flash-sticks usually are pre-formated in FAT32.
 5 Boot the console with the "Swapmagic Coder" disc.
 6 Insert the USB flash-stick.
 7 Reset the console by dubble-pressing the on\off button on the console
-    (not through the SwapMagic menu).

Don't worry if (for any reason) uLaunch displays "Failed To Load LAUNCHELF.CNF";
it's not a problem here.

The team behind uLauchELF has seized development of the app (it seems),
 but instead a new app called wLaunchELF has emerged with continuation of development.

PS2 Save Builder
Current version: 0.8x
Download: "PSX Place".

This program packs the folders extracted from the memcard with uLaunchELF
 into a format that MyMC can use (".cbs").

To use this program:
 1 Locate the folder of the dump.
 2 Copy the foldername of the first subfolder into Root/ID.
 3 Rightclick on the "Filename\Size" box and choose "Add File".
 4 Browse to the folder in question.
 5 Select the first file and repeat step 2-4 until all files have been listed.
 6 Choose "File"\"Save As" in the menu.
 7 Change "Fileformat" to "Code Breaker Saves(*.cbs)".
 8 Choose a directory, a name (1, 2, ...) and save.
 9 Repeat 1-7 until all folders have been converted.

Current version: 2.6 (alpha)
Download\Website: "".

This program can transfer ".cbs" packed folders
 (and other formats) into the PCSX2 memcard.
Just add the packed folders one by one
 through the Import button, and save.
The memcard must already have been formated though,
 which can be done with PCSX2.

MyMC depends on "msvcp71.dll" & "msvcr71.dll" to work,
 and it might be that these files are missing in your computer.
If so, then you will have to obtain them somehow
 and add them manually to the MyMC folder.
Microsoft doesn't make these files available for download, but:
 "msvcp71.dll": "".
 "msvcr71.dll": "".

MyMC+ is a project derived from MyMC, with further development.

MC Extract
Current version: 1.01
No official download\website.
Attachment below.

"MC Extract" extracts the files\folders from the PCSX2 memcard format ".ps2".
The files\folders can then be transfered to the console memcards with uLaunchELF.

Related stuff
Gamesaves from GameFAQ.
GameFAQ Saves to PCSX2 Memory Cards.
Guide to Dumping Your PS2 Bios over LAN.
How to use the myMC tool to import/export saves .
Dump PS2 Bios Tutorial - YouTube.
Tutorial - Convert save files for another region.

Attached Files
.zip   MC Extract (Size: 13,02 KB / Downloads: 3.283)

Sponsored links

Excellent collection of info, deserves a sticky Smile
Oh and I replaced RF's guide with the version we have here which is updated
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Missed this one --

PSV Exporter
Current Version: 1.1

PSV Exporter allows you to extract files from the Playstation 3 virtual PS2 and PS1 save that is created when playing a Playstation 2 or Playstation 1 game on the Playstation 3.

Export a save to a USB Stick on your PS3.
Open the .psv file with PSV Exporter, export all contents to a directory.
Use PS2 Save Builder to construct a MYMC compatible file from the contents of the directory.
Is there a memorycard dumper for PS2 that dumps a memorycard directly in to a .PS2 image which can be used by PCSX2?
(for lazy people who don't want to use a bunch of tools to convert the saves)

edit: nevermind. I just found out that uLaunchelf can do that with mount vmc Tongue

Main Rig: i7-3770k @4.5ghz | 16GB DDR3 | Nvidia GTX 980 TI | Win 10 X64
Laptop: MSI GT62VR | i7-6700HQ | 16GB DDR4 | Nvidia GTX 1060 | Win 10 X64

Its very true buddy, I really like to your thread and get very nice information from this.

This is exactly one and only which i am searching for. So its my goodness to have it..
I had my slim ps2 modded with a version of SwapMagic a while back so I could play region-locked games, so does this mean that my ps2 is already capable of launching these homebrew programs like the elf launcher and the rom dumper programs?
Yeah i think you would be able to use swapmagic to run the bios dumper burned in a dvd disc
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(08-01-2012, 07:32 PM)Bositman Wrote: Yeah i think you would be able to use swapmagic to run the bios dumper burned in a dvd disc
OK, ill do that but i have a few questions first, ill put it into one post so this doesnt get dragged out.
1. So I can just swap in the disc and dump the bios to a flash drive? And I dont need the uelfLauncher?
2. Is there a guide for burning the RomDumper onto a blank disc?
3. Is using the RomDumper program self-explanatory or do I need a guide?
uLaunchELF and the dumper are both PS2 doesn't matter which you will run first but if you are going to make a disk,better make it with uLaunchELF because,ule is not useful just to dump the bios

You can also don't even burn a disk,just read that guide

Just place ule in the USB the way the guide explains it and also place the dumper in the USB to start it from ule(you can also,as I said,rather that placing ule the way the guide explain it,you can place the dumper in the same way and run directly the dumper from Swap Magic)
(08-01-2012, 08:09 PM)vsub Wrote: uLaunchELF and the dumper are both PS2 doesn't matter which you will run first but if you are going to make a disk,better make it with uLaunchELF because,ule is not useful just to dump the bios

You can also don't even burn a disk,just read that guide

Just place ule in the USB the way the guide explains it and also place the dumper in the USB to start it from ule(you can also,as I said,rather that placing ule the way the guide explain it,you can place the dumper in the same way and run directly the dumper from Swap Magic)
Thank you so much, i did the process on the page and now I got the FreeMCBoot Launcher instead of the stock launcher. I installed it in my ps2 card but it said there was no BOOT.ELF on the memory card but if I wanted to install anyways. Is that bad? I dont see the Uelflauncher in the FMCB launcher.

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