Any luck with Snowblind games?
(12-22-2013, 09:04 AM)Zephos Wrote: Yeah, the price/performance really is insane.

Alright, gained about 15fps by clicking on random stuff, applying, and watching my fps.

VU0: superVU Recompiler
Round Mode: Negative
VSync: Off (raised fps...hmm)
EE Cyclerate: 3
VU Cycle Stealing: Max
MTVU: Off, actually gives like 10 extra fps

Sitting between 58-65fps now, but the game still feels like it's slow?

VU cycle stealing at max is giving you false fps.

I don't usually recommend VU cycle stealing for that reason.

SuperVU might be faster, I dunno.

I'd test to see if the round mode set to negative really makes it faster, because that could cause a lot of problems.

Vsync will limit your fps to a multiple of a factor of 60 - 5,10,15,20,30,45,60 etc. So if you were getting say 54 fps before, vsync will drop that to 45.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD

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Ohh the false fps must be it, because now I'm in a cave, and although it says lower fps, it feels smother. Good, because that makes ground textures black XD

The negative didn't seem to do more than one or two fps.
VU cycle stealing is useful in a few specific cases(Shadow of the Colossus won't run 100% on any machine without it because of the way it was coded).

My advice is don't EVER push it all the way to max. 1 usually doesn't cause errors but may or may not help. 2 helps usually but may cause errors. 3 causes errors in every game I've tested it in except SoTC
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
Okay, after a bit more testing, I've found that VU Cycle stealing is in fact necessary, only max does anything, and it's a lot. Worth the graphics glitch.

I've noticed that the more entities on screen, the better the game does. When I'm in a big combat situation, I hit the limit without a problem. Once they're gone, it drops right back. I'd think this would be counter-intuitive, but apparently not.

The screen is still bouncing, but that's only really noticable on the pause menu.
For the screen shaking try different deinterlace modes (F5)

Quote:I've noticed that the more entities on screen, the better the game does.

Did you check your CPU speed with a program like CPU-Z while playing in a window? Maybe your CPU reverts to a lower speed at some points in the game.

i7 [email protected], P8P67, ASUS HD7870 CUII, 8GB 1600 GSkill, Win 7 Ultimate 64-bit

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