I am currently playing Socom: Combined Assault, I have been playing this game on Pcsx2 for a total of +30 hours with very minimal problems. Usually runs between 40-60fps at 3x native resolution. Glitches are minor and scarce.
However, just now while playing the quoted error message below popped up and forced me to shut down Pcsx2.
I have never seen this message in any game I have played on the emulator, and I do not understand what the error is.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this ? Do you know what the cause is / how to remedy problem ?
---"..\..\x86\newVif_Dynarec.cpp(182) : assertion failed:
Function: VifUnpackSSE_Dynarec::ModUnpack
Thread: EE Core
Condition: false
Message: Vpu/Vif - Invalid Unpack! [3]
[00] aligned_offset_malloc
[01] aligned_offset_realloc
[02] 0x01361548
[03] 0x013AA9B8
[04] 0x0136C705
[05] 0x012FB2C1
[06] 0x013322DA
[07] 0x01331005
[08] 0x013B4FDE
[09] 0x013FB7FA
[10] 0x0139FAA1
[11] 0x0139FA1B
[12] 0x0139F969
[13] pthread_setcanceltype
[14] endthreadex
[15] endthreadex
[16] BaseThreadInitThunk
[17] RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[18] RtlInitializeExceptionChain "---
***EDIT*** I cannot proceed with the game until this problem is resolved. This error occurs upon beginning a particular mission called "Blindside." The error message pops up when the map is loading and gives me the option to close the program or "ignore" the error ,, however ignoring the error gives me a never ending black screen.
So,, I am stuck and any help would be appreciated !
However, just now while playing the quoted error message below popped up and forced me to shut down Pcsx2.
I have never seen this message in any game I have played on the emulator, and I do not understand what the error is.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this ? Do you know what the cause is / how to remedy problem ?
---"..\..\x86\newVif_Dynarec.cpp(182) : assertion failed:
Function: VifUnpackSSE_Dynarec::ModUnpack
Thread: EE Core
Condition: false
Message: Vpu/Vif - Invalid Unpack! [3]
[00] aligned_offset_malloc
[01] aligned_offset_realloc
[02] 0x01361548
[03] 0x013AA9B8
[04] 0x0136C705
[05] 0x012FB2C1
[06] 0x013322DA
[07] 0x01331005
[08] 0x013B4FDE
[09] 0x013FB7FA
[10] 0x0139FAA1
[11] 0x0139FA1B
[12] 0x0139F969
[13] pthread_setcanceltype
[14] endthreadex
[15] endthreadex
[16] BaseThreadInitThunk
[17] RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[18] RtlInitializeExceptionChain "---
***EDIT*** I cannot proceed with the game until this problem is resolved. This error occurs upon beginning a particular mission called "Blindside." The error message pops up when the map is loading and gives me the option to close the program or "ignore" the error ,, however ignoring the error gives me a never ending black screen.
So,, I am stuck and any help would be appreciated !