Baited for purpose of closing a thread
Warez talk is prohibited and frowned upon, to prevent legal issues. You may not post links or refer to any kind of BIOS, ROM, ISO, or game that has been illegally obtained or downloaded. If any post like that is found, the thread containing it will be closed and further support will be revoked until proven otherwise.

Above is from the rules section. 

I posted a thread specifying a specific issue while using v1.6 and 1.7 on Win and Mac. 
I was asking for specific settings or other things I could do to help troubleshoot the issue. I only stated the game I was playing. 

A member asked me right off the bat where I got the bio and from and I replied I did not recall but prob online a while back. Thread closed. 

That is being baited for the purpose of closing a thread. very nice. 

In my thread - as per the rule above, I did not hint in any way that my bios or rom were not my own. I responded honestly to a question and that is all the poster was looking for so the thread could be closed. I have been reading threads here for a while and have seen this before - childish if you ask me. I 100% understand the legality of it all and commend the PCSX2 team for applying those rules but my thread was not in violation - respectfully. 


I am not trying to be rude or disrespectful in this thread but really trying to understand and get clarity so thank you in advance to anyone providing feedback.

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You did imply that you downloaded, or obtained, the BIOS and ISO illegally when you asked..

Quote:What can be causing this? Do I need a new Bios? New game ISO?

That alluded to the fact that you didn't obtain them from your PS2 console or original game disc. Where else would you get a "new" BIOS or ISO? So I asked for clarification and you indicated you got them from online, thus admitting to breaking the forum rules
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OK - I understand how you got there and therefore can make that assumption.

What if I simply would go out and buy a new game physically and make an ISO from it? What if I have a spare PS2 and can extract the bios from it legally because it is my own PS2? Then your logic will not apply. If you then say that most people would not go buy a game for the purpose of creating an ISO or buy a console or have access to a console already for making a new bios then you would be just lumping everyone into this state where no one can get an ISO or Bios legally.

Thank you for clarifying how you came to that conclusion, it is not wrong but I just felt baited.

This really taught me to lie about where my bios and ISO came from when asked on this forum.
(10-10-2023, 01:19 AM)Mr. B-EZ Wrote: OK - I understand how you got there and therefore can make that assumption.

What if I simply would go out and buy a new game physically and make an ISO from it? What if I have a spare PS2 and can extract the bios from it legally because it is my own PS2? Then your logic will not apply. If you then say that most people would not go buy a game for the purpose of creating an ISO or buy a console or have access to a console already for making a new bios then you would be just lumping everyone into this state where no one can get an ISO or Bios legally.

Thank you for clarifying how you came to that conclusion, it is not wrong but I just felt baited.

This really taught me to lie about where my bios and ISO came from when asked on this forum.

if you appeal, we actually can remove the warning adn unlock the thread
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(10-10-2023, 06:27 AM)jesalvein Wrote: if you appeal, we actually can remove the warning adn unlock the thread

This really doesn't address the strangeness of this behavior, and it's not exclusive to the thread mentioned above.
I mean, they didn't exactly bait you hard or corner you, you just came out admitting you probably pirated it. So if you want help you have to show the items in question, then we can help.

It's pretty simple, if you don't want to do that, or can't, then sorry, nothing we can do.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

No, not me, this has not happened to me, please keep track of the usernames. I've seen multiple examples of it on this forum and it's a weird adversarial thing to do.
(11-03-2023, 12:33 AM)AC_ENJOYER Wrote: No, not me, this has not happened to me, please keep track of the usernames. I've seen multiple examples of it on this forum and it's a weird adversarial thing to do.

Always nice to have someone's opinion.
Thanks Smile
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(11-03-2023, 12:33 AM)AC_ENJOYER Wrote: No, not me, this has not happened to me, please keep track of the usernames. I've seen multiple examples of it on this forum and it's a weird adversarial thing to do.

Wasn't expecting somebody else to butt in and give their opinion, tbh, so no, I didn't look, sorry.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]


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