Best Settings for Persona 4
This game doesn't require the Skipdraw hack. Do you still have this issue?

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An update - I tried the skip draw hack and it did not help.

Software mode (Directx11 Software) may or may not have helped - I don't think it did from screenshots, but because everything became significantly less good looking (pixelation and so on), even if it did work (tough to tell) this would be a negative trade off for me.
Turn everything to defaults and disable every speedhacks and try fiddling with the HW hacks, that's your best hope right now.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction
Yes either put everything to default (delete ini folder - maybe save *lilypad*.ini) or post all settings together with a full emulog after you observed the error.
Did you try reinstalling pcsx2 and leave everything at default?
I just installed the newest SVN, changed nothing and played Persona 4 (EUR), everything ok.
. Win 7 Prof. 64bit .
. 8GB OCZ DDR3-1333 RAM .
. Zotac GTX 580 AMP .
. AMD Phenom x4 965 .

PS: Forgive my english. I´m german. Unsure

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